Monthly Archives: October 2020

What’s Wrong With You


Moving from “What is Wrong with You?” to “What Happened to You?” Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based Organizations In every community and population, there is trauma. It is an epidemic in the world today. New research is coming out every year testifying to the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and body. In order for nurses to provide adequate care in any given field, trauma-informed practice is a necessity. This means having an understanding of how trauma affects the individual, both in the present and long after [...]

What’s Wrong With You2022-04-19T17:10:30-04:00

Building Resilience


Building Resilience In At-Risk Youth What builds resilience among at risk youth? Resilience is defined as the ability to overcome a difficult environment and thrive amidst surrounding chaos.  Decades of research demonstrate that all of our youth are at risk for substance abuse and other behavioral addictions.  There are a number of specific things we can do as a faith community that build resilience in our youth and aid recovery for those that have gotten involved in substance abuse. Meet Our Presenter Dr. Duane McBride, PhD Dr. McBride joined the [...]

Building Resilience2022-04-19T17:10:49-04:00



Enough! How to bring more than enough joy into our lives and the lives of others. Have you ever been caught short on time, money, or materials? Perhaps you didn’t have enough time to meet a deadline, enough money to cover an expense or enough material to finish an important job.  God’s original design for us was to always live with having enough. Join us for our next InTouch meeting when Bonita Shields, North American Division Vice-President for Ministries, will discuss whole-life stewardship, what that means and how faithful stewardship looks in all areas [...]


Caring For the Elderly


Caring For the Elderly Ministering to A High Risk Population In the COVID-19 Era COVID-19 has uncovered and exploited many of our weaknesses – personal, behavioral, and overall health, societal, and even Public Health. Hardest hit have been the elderly and those with underlying non-communicable disease states. In this segment we shall explore why the elderly are vulnerable and how we can care for them, decrease their risk, and protect them from this disease which for them may be deadly. Meet Our Presenters Zeno L. Charles-Marcel, MD Dr. Charles-Marcel is [...]

Caring For the Elderly2021-10-10T13:49:57-04:00
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