Recovery & Trauma

Join us for our final Health
Emphasis Sabbath of the year –
which will be on recovery
and trauma.
Plan to bring your church and
community together for this
special emphasis on the power
Christ has to restore freedom in
our lives.
November 11, 2023.

Available resources


Use the video recording to play the sermon during your worship service.  Run time is 39 minutes.


This script is available to anyone who would like to present this sermon at your church.


All the resources for Recovery Sabbath are available to anyone who would like to use the theme and assets for service.

This will be on recovery and trauma
and what we can do to help.

How to participate
in Recovery Sabbath:


Talk to your pastor about designating your church’s Nov. 11, 2023 worship service to discuss Recovery ministry.


Download the Recovery Sabbath sermon resources to present on Nov. 11, 2023.

Jump to Resources


On Nov. 11, play the sermon video during your church’s worship service, or present it with the script and PowerPoint provided.


Alina M. Baltazar

She received her PhD is in Human Development and Families Studies, she has a Master’s of Social Work, and a BA in psychology from Andrews University. Dr. Baltazar currently teaches clinical social work courses at Andrews University. Dr. Baltazar has
published and presented research in the areas of parental and religiosity’s influence on youth health risk behavior, parenting, pastoral family stress, domestic violence, and mental health. She has worked as a  licensed clinical social worker for over 27 years in the areas of medical and psychiatric social work, and psychotherapy. She is a part-time psychotherapist at Life Coach Psychology in Berrien Springs, MI. She is  married to her high school sweet-heart for 30 years and is a mother to three young adult sons.


Recovery Sabbath

You may wish to include the following components:

  • A 12-Step Sabbath School Lesson Study
  • Worship Service with a Christ-centered recovery sermon
  • Fellowship Dinner
  • Afternoon workshop on “The 12 Steps,” “How the Program Works” or related
  • Victory concert

The Journey to Wholeness (JTW) program is a Christian 12-step recovery program developed by the Adventist Church.  Through the trainings, resources, and networking provided, your community can be a safe place for people to experience healing from their addictions and experiences of trauma.  Host a Journey Group at your church or school to help them walk this journey through the healing power of Christ.