Monthly Archives: June 2024

Newly-Qualified Faith Community Nurses


Newly-Qualified Faith Community Nurses  Faith Community Nursing (FCN) has also been called Parish Nursing. Faith community nursing involves a wholistic and caring approach that focuses on the care of individuals and groups, usually within a faith-based setting (Clarke & Hunter, 2019). Human beings have several needs that contribute to wholeness, such as physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs. According to Burkhardt and Nagai-Jacobson (2016) spirituality is a critical dimension of human beings, and just as a person’s physical needs are taken care of, the spiritual needs must also be addressed. Spirituality is a concept that conveys meaning [...]

Newly-Qualified Faith Community Nurses2024-06-17T13:27:29-04:00

Embracing Mental Health Awareness: A Guide for Adventist Faith Community Nurses


Embracing Mental Health Awareness: A Guide for Adventist Faith Community Nurses The Month of May has been recognized as Mental Health Awareness month since its inception in 1949. Faith Community Nurses (FCNs) within the Seventh-day Adventist Church are in a unique position to recognize and assist individuals who may be experiencing mental health challenges. We recognize the importance of caring from a wholistic perspective. Individuals and communities can benefit from our knowledge of addressing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health. As we consider our profession, it is incumbent upon us to strategically position ourselves to [...]

Embracing Mental Health Awareness: A Guide for Adventist Faith Community Nurses2024-06-20T10:43:00-04:00

Celebrating Nurses’ Sabbath


Celebrating Nurses' Sabbath Featured Article, June 2024 For over 40 years, the beginning of May has been a time designated for acknowledging nurses. For many workplaces it’s now a week-long celebration concluding on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is long considered to be the founder of modern nursing. This year, the Medford Seventh-day Adventist Church in southern Oregon designated May 4th as “Nurses’ Recognition Sabbath,” an idea strongly supported by church members and leaders alike. In preparation for the special program, organizers were astonished to discover the church had 33 nurses! When including retired [...]

Celebrating Nurses’ Sabbath2024-06-17T13:21:17-04:00
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