Review of Health Summit 2024

The Health Summit Intensive 2024 was held at the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) Headquarters in Columbia, MD, on April 26-28, 2024, as a collaborative effort between the NAD Health Ministries and the Columbia Union Conference. The intensive weekend was centered on the “Mission Accomplished” theme, equipping leaders across the Division to materialize their ideas and dreams into a mission in motion.

Friday’s plenary session kicked off the Intensive, with Pastor Seth Yelorda reminding attendees that we can only get to “mission accomplished” if we are clear on what our mission is and clear on the role God has given us in that mission. It was an encouraging way to start the weekend, as the intensive training began the following day, with nine different tracks to choose from.

Attendees chose their track ahead of time and received 12+ hours of training in that particular topic over the weekend. The AAHWC held a training on our LIFT material, presented by AAHWC Past President Rick Mautz and the current AAHWC President Ernie Medina, Jr. Our sister association, Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing (AAFCN), held the completion of their training for Faith Community Nurses. Along with these associations, other trainings took place:

  • Engaging Youth & Young Adults (from CABL)
  • Journey to Wholeness, Seasons of Grief, and Soul Shop (from Recovery Ministries)
  • Health Everlasting on reaching communities with health
  • Mental Health Coaching (taught by former AAHWC VP of Education, Angela Poch)
  • Vision Clarity for discovering God’s calling on your life and ministry

The overall theme of “Mission Accomplished” was continued through the other keynote speakers, including a reminder for ministry leaders to take care of themselves and their families as they minister to others. Matthew 11:28-30 reminds us of God’s invitation to each of us:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

This was a profound call to many attendees to evaluate where their identity was placed – Christ of their ministry – and a call to fill their cup with all of God’s wisdom and spiritual understanding (Colossians 1:9) as they serve our brothers and sisters on this Earth.

The weekend was wrapped together by a message from NAD Ministerial Director, Ivan Williams, who reminded us to stay faithful to the mission that God has given us.

As we all move together towards “Mission Accomplished,” may we remember the tools and resources provided to equip us, the teams available to support us, and the Power leading us into our communities to heal and transform, pointing them to the ultimate Healer and Savior, Jesus Christ.

By Bianca Radut, MPH, CHWC  

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B Radut, Review of Health Summit Intensive, (2024).  Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching,