Implications of the Heart: The Heart Matters

The heart is muscular and is responsible for pumping life-sustaining blood to every organ and cell in the body. The heart is a strong and solid organ in that it is made up of three different layers, the pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium. The muscular portion of the heart is responsible for cardiac contractions or the pumping action. The intricate makeup of the heart involves cells, electrical excitation, and the movement of electrolytes that are transported from one compartment to another compartment to produce the heart beat (Ripa et al., 2025). 

God designed the heart to be a strong organ. It takes weeks and months during the gestational period for the heart to develop into an organ that can supply the body with sustenance. In fact, even after birth, the heart continues to grow until it is fully developed.  

A normal adult heart is about the size of one’s fist (National Institute on Aging [NIH], 2024). The heart is so powerful that it pumps approximately five (5) to six (6) liters of blood throughout the body each minute (Cleveland Clinic, 2025). If the heart stopped beating, all the vital organs would not receive the oxygen and the other nutrients needed to survive, and as a result, death is imminent. 

There are numerous Bible texts that relate to matters of the heart. For example, Psalms 119:2 indicates that those who keep His testimonies should do so with their whole heart. Psalms 119:7 explains that when God’s righteous judgments are learned, praises should be given with uprightness of the heart. Finally, Psalms 119:11 indicates that God’s word should be hidden in the heart to avert sins against Him (KJV). In order to clearly understand the Word of God and to keep His statutes and commandments, the heart needs to be strong to discern what is right from what is wrong.  


Heart health includes getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Also, it is important to control the blood pressure, blood glucose level, and the cholesterol levels. Additionally, getting enough sleep is necessary so the body can be rejuvenated and revived to handle the experiences of the day (NIH, 2024). In the words of many wise individuals, the consumption of more fruits and vegetables will help to preserve the body and keep the heart pumping life-sustaining blood throughout the body.  

God had a specific purpose for crafting the heart of man. We are fearfully and wonderfully made; therefore, we have the explicit responsibility to engage in activities to preserve the heart so that God can be reverenced and praised.

By Sharon Hall Murff PhD MSN RN, CCRN, AAFCN


KJV. The Bible 

Cleveland Clinic (2025). Cardiac output. Retrieved from 

National Institute on Aging (2024). How the heart works. Retrieved from,size%20of%20your%20clenched%20fist. 

Ripa, R., George, T., Shumway, K. R., & Sattar, Y. (2023). Physiology, cardiac muscle.  

Retrieved from 

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