Tobacco Cessation Health Coach 

As a health coach, I have the privilege and joy of working with individuals who desire to quit tobacco use. Most often this is to stop smoking. During my wellness coach training, I learned about being a Tobacco Treatment Specialist, also known as a Tobacco Cessation Health Coach. The wellness coach training program and tobacco treatment specialist training have overlapping skills such as active listening, motivational interviewing, and positive psychology. This additional training reinforced my wellness coaching skills and provided a potential niche.  

Since smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and harms nearly every organ in the body, smoking cessation is beneficial at any age as it improves one’s health status and quality of life. Interventions include behavioral counseling, cessation medications, or a combination of the two (1). Tobacco Treatment Specialists can provide behavioral services in eliciting change. 

This specialized training requires 250 practice hours obtained within two years before one can take the national exam. There are multiple certification options, including the National Certification for Tobacco Treatment Practice (NCTTP) (2), National Certification in Nicotine and Tobacco Treatment (NCNTT) (3), and the Certified Professional by the American Heart Association (CPAHA) – Tobacco Treatment (4). I completed the NCTTP.  

Thankfully, I obtained the 250 hours in about three months by working part-time as a Tobacco Cessation Health Coach for a digital healthcare company. It was exciting to practice my newly acquired skills. I learned that each person is on their own unique journey. Some people are ready to change while others are contemplating change.  

Outreach & Offer 

In my current role as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist, I reach out to oncology patients who are current tobacco users. During the initial call, I outline three different tobacco treatment services, which include medication support, individual counseling, and group therapy. If a patient is interested, I schedule them for the respective service(s).  

Jesus reached out to those in need of change and offered His services. Consider the disciples. Jesus called Peter and Andrew, James and John, and invited them to work meaningfully with Him (5). Another example is the Samaritan woman. Jesus intentionally went through Samaria to reach out to this woman and offered her forgiveness and a new way of living (6). The third example is a man struggling physically for over three decades, wishing someone would help him into the pool. Jesus addressed him and offered him complete healing (7). 


Individual Counseling/Coaching 

I also have the opportunity to coach individuals who desire to quit smoking. Initially, our conversations review their tobacco history: how long they have smoked, how much, and prior quit attempts. I inquire about their motivation to quit. Their motivation provides an opportunity to strengthen their commitment to themselves and their goal. Rapport develops by meeting with the individual consistently while learning and appreciating their unique strengths and values. 

When I think of Jesus as a counselor, the confidential conversation with Nicodemus comes to mind. He desired a change in his life and wondered if Jesus would have the answer. In their dialogue, Jesus reviewed realities that Nicodemus possibly knew but did not understand or had not applied to his life. In their time together, Jesus continued to gently guide and encourage him (8). 

One of the exciting aspects of health and wellness coaching is the varied focus areas. Being a Tobacco Treatment Specialist is just one of many areas where encouragement and support are needed with multiple options to become certified as a Tobacco Cessation Health Coach. Notable similarities exist between the skills we use as coaches and the way Jesus interacted with others.

What a goal for us as coaches – to be and do like Jesus! 

By Angela Gibson, NBC-HWC, NCTTP 

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A. Gibson, Tobacco Cessation Health Coach, (2025).  Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching,




  1. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking Cessation. A Report of the Surgeon General. (2024, May 15). Retrieved on 11-29-2024 from 2.
  2. The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2025). NCTTP Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved on 01-14-2024 from  
  3. The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2024). National Certification in Nicotine and Tobacco Treatment (NCNTT). Retrieved on 11-29-2024 from         
  4. American Heart Association. (2024). Tobacco Treatment. Retrieved on 11-29-2024 from 
  5. Mark 1:16-20 
  6. John 4:1-26 
  7. John 5:5-9 
  8. John 3:1-21