Roles & Responsibilities
The Department of Health Ministries currently provides the following functions for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
Serves as a resource for information and counsel on health and temperance affairs.
Advises the church and its departments and agencies, in the development and administration of health and/or temperance policies and programs.
Promotes a healthful lifestyle among church members through literature, programs, and Sabbath services.
Provides through publications, services, and programs, an ongoing witness to the world concerning the physical, mental, and soul-destroying effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances.
Sponsors and/or organizes societies to effectively involve church and non-church organizations in united endeavors to promote the non-use of tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances.
Encourages involvement in the evangelistic thrust of the church by developing and using health and temperance programs and media that will gain the trust and confidence of people.
Provides support of Seventh-day Adventist healthcare institutions, clinics, and health/temperance programs. This is done through memberships on boards, inspections, assistance in recruiting personnel, cooperation with community programs, and support for spiritual ministries including the work of chaplains.
Maintains liaison with Seventh-day Adventist health professional organizations such as dentists, dietitians, nurses, optometrists, and physicians.
Promotes and/or sponsors health and temperance seminars and workshops.
Develops and/or catalogs resource material for health and temperance education and programs through the Church Resources Consortium.