
About franklindorsey

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So far franklindorsey has created 38 blog entries.

Finding Peace in Hospice and Palliative Care


Finding Peace in Hospice and Palliative Care  I will keep them in perfect peace whose minds are stayed on thee (emphasis supplied).  Isaiah 26:3  When we think of Hospice and Palliative care our minds immediately revert to fear, worry, anxiety and hopelessness.  This is true, however, there are some unique individuals and unique situations that transcend circumstances such as the one described in the following story:   I once encountered a man who had brain cancer.  He was placed on hospice care, but refused to lie down in bed and wait for death.  He instead was up [...]

Finding Peace in Hospice and Palliative Care2024-12-17T16:21:16-05:00

Peace In the Night Season


Peace In the Night Season It’s almost Christmas. The daylight hours have shortened, and the nights have grown longer.  Here in North America, darkness now absorbs more than half of the 24 hours that comprise our day.     One dark evening last week I was visiting my son and his family.  My son asked his 7-year-old and almost-4-year-old to escort their little friend back to his house, which was two doors down.  The three children set out.  Not one minute later, the front door flies open and little Everett, my almost 4-year-old grandson runs in red-faced [...]

Peace In the Night Season2024-12-16T12:35:33-05:00

Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays


Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays Each year the month of November is designated as National Diabetes Month. Individuals with diabetes, however, often struggle to manage this condition every month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ([CDC], n. d. [b]), approximately one in every ten persons has diabetes, and type 2 diabetes is the most common type. For the 38 million plus individuals with diabetes, it is a challenge to manage this condition, especially during holiday season.   Stress is a normal part of life that occurs on a daily basis. However, the [...]

Peace with Diabetes Self-Management During the Holidays2024-12-10T10:42:36-05:00
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