The Christian View of Human Life Committee was established by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist for reviewing issues in our current society that impinge upon the dignity and value of human life. The committee is composed of individuals from a wide specter of disciplines including church administrators, theologians, pastors, physicians, lawyers, counselors, and social workers. In addition, expertise in the various fields of knowledge are invited to the committee to bring factual information on issues being discussed. A clear understanding of the issues was thought to be important. Emphasis was put on exploring the moral and ethical implications of those items under discussion. In commenting on and evaluating these issues, it was the committee’s intent to base their observations, comments, and recommendations on Bibli- cal principles. The committee worked on a consensus basis and no discussion or recommendation was considered complete until there was consensus among committee members. The committee sought to hear all views on any given subject.
This booklet contains several papers prepared by the committee. These papers have been presented to the General Conference Administrative Committee and/or Annual Council and have been accepted as guidelines and/or information items appropriate for distribution to church members and/or other entities that make inquiry concerning the issues in question.