Peace In the Night Season

It’s almost Christmas. The daylight hours have shortened, and the nights have grown longer.  Here in North America, darkness now absorbs more than half of the 24 hours that comprise our day.    

One dark evening last week I was visiting my son and his family.  My son asked his 7-year-old and almost-4-year-old to escort their little friend back to his house, which was two doors down.  The three children set out.  Not one minute later, the front door flies open and little Everett, my almost 4-year-old grandson runs in red-faced and sobbing.  He made a beeline for my son’s lap, and between heaves and tears, he managed to choke out “I’m scared of the dark, Daddy!”  

It was also really dark the night Jesus’ students fought for their lives during the storm on the Sea of Galilee.  Their boat had been filling with water and just as it was about to sink under their weight, lightning flashed, and they saw Jesus sleeping peacefully.  “Lord, save us!  We are perishing!”  

“Never did a soul utter that cry unheeded.  As the disciples grasp their oars to make a last effort, Jesus rises.  He stands in the midst of His disciples, while the tempest rages, the waves break over them, and the lightning illuminates His countenance.  He lifts His hand, so often employed in deeds of mercy, and says to the angry sea, “Peace, be still!”  The storm ceases.  The billows sink to rest.  The clouds roll away, and the stars shine forth.  The boat rests upon a quiet sea.”1 

Can you imagine?!  But wait, it gets even better.  Let’s read on: 

“When Jesus was awakened to meet the storm, He was in perfect peace… “But He rested not in the possession of almighty power.  It was not as the “Master of earth and sea and sky” that He reposed in quiet.  That power He had laid down, and He says, “I can of Myself do nothing” (John 5:30).  He trusted in the Father’s might.  It was in faith—faith in God’s love and care—that Jesus rested, and the power of that word which stilled the storm was the power of God.”2 

I want that faith—the faith of Jesus!  I want that kind of peace—peace amidst a storm!  

Are you groping through a season of darkness?  Are you grappling with angry headwinds? 

We may not be physically rowing a boat through raging waters, but our world is agitated and unnerved, nevertheless.  Our career, our church, our family, our health, our very lives may be in peak crisis.  Let’s remember, however, it was right at the peak of that night terror when Jesus calmed the sea!   

Just as little Everett found a bright light and relieving comfort as he approached his daddy, so we will find swift comfort and relieving peace as we cry out to Jesus.  After all, we have His Word:  

“Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give to you…”  John 14:27  

It’s almost Christmas.   

The daylight hours are brief, and the nights are long.  The dark can be scary, and the storms may be life-threatening.  But our Savior is always near and will always hear our cries no matter how illogical, silly, or juvenile.  He never misses even one of our tears.  His powerful Word still calms storms.  Let’s carry His Word in our hearts and memorize His promises.   

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”  Isaiah 26:3  

As His Word rings in our hearts, we can have His peace in our souls no matter what is raging around us.  He will never fail to give us the help we need and will deliver us from danger in the way that He knows to be best.3 

Praise God we are not alone in the dark!   

Praise God for His Peace in the Night Season. 

Merry Christmas 

By Ginnie Kim, RN, MSN

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1. White, E. G. (2021). The Desire of Ages. Types & Symbols LLC. p. 388. 

2. Ibid.  (emphasis supplied) 

3. White, E.G. (2021).  The Desire of Ages.  Types & Symbols LLC. p. 389.