Director’s Message

Director’s Message

Last month ARMin authored an article that was published at the Adventist World magazine in an effort to raise awareness of the ministry and the importance for churches, schools and hospitals to become involved. We had a tremendous positive response from readers. Many contacted us interested in starting a group in their local church and seeking training to be equipped to do so.

We praise God for the opportunity to train anyone who is feeling called to help others break away from these compulsive unhealthy behaviors and become unhooked from these painful addictions by pointing them to Christ as the source of power to do so.

For anyone interested in starting a group please go to and register to attend the “12 steps to wholeness” seminar, under track 2 (March 16-17). We hope to see you there!

Please send us an email with suggestions and comments. We would love to see every church with an ARMin group, as we seek to have each church be a center for health, healing and wholeness.