Jesus is the Root of Healing

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As Rick and I (Paul) prayed, we connected the “root” of Rick’s pornography to the negative messages he received growing up with all the ways Jesus was tempted to believe that He was alone and not good enough when He was rejected as the “Root of David who has already” gained the victory (Heb. 42:17-18; 4:15; Is. 53:2-4; Rev. 5:5).

Ellen White recognized the importance of this type of ministry as well, saying: “The work of restoration can never be thorough unless the roots of evil are reached. Again and again the shoots have been clipped, while the root of bitterness has been left to spring up and defile many; but the very depth of the hidden evil must be reached, the moral senses must be judged, and judged again, in the light of the divine presence. The daily life will testify whether or not the work is genuine” (YI, December 22, 1898 par. 4-6).

As we continued kneeling at the throne of grace week after week, the simple—yet supernatural—power of Jesus’ story connecting with Rick’s story began to “renew his mind” (Heb. 4:16; Rom. 12:2). And Rick was finally able to thank Jesus that he was receiving Jesus’ forgiveness, as well as Jesus’ purity, goodness, and acceptance (Acts 5:30-31), instead of trying harder to do what he was already unable to do in his own strength.

While our discipleship process gives more details on the ways we can move from information about Jesus’ gospel, to application to transformation, each of us can have the same freedom Rick found. Freedom that moves us into ministry, with a testimony.
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