Practical Application

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So how does this apply to Rick? Years ago when I met him, and when you met him in our last article, Rick had a problem: he was addicted to porn. But in Part I we also learned that wherever a negative behavior is—or a negative fruit—there is a false belief system—or a negative root. And we learned that to receive lasting healing, we must deal with our roots.

As Rick came to find out, his problem had started in childhood with Satan planting lies such as “I’m rejected,” “I’m not good enough,” and “I’m alone” (John 8:44). Twenty years later it was threatening his marriage.

At the point where we left him, Rick had identified his negative thoughts, but he still needed something more. He had heard that Christ was the answer to his problems, but he still couldn’t see how. Jesus had died for his sins, but how could He help Rick with his cycle of sinning, then asking forgiveness, then sinning over and over again? Below, we summarize Rick’s story of finding healing and freedom by identifying with Christ. (You can read the complete version in our book, The Hidden Half of the Gospel.)