Investing in Recovery Does Make a Difference

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Have you ever wondered whether the time you invest attending meetings, working the 12 steps, connecting with a sponsor, reading recovery materials, praying and surrendering makes a difference? Newly reported research reveals that there are very real measurable improvements to making all of this effort.

On May 21, 2013, The Partnership at reported that “people in recovery experience striking improvements over time.” A survey of 3,228 persons was conducted over two months was striking in its results. “We found recovery has tangible benefits. Investing in recovery makes sense and benefits everyone. It’s time to end discriminatory barriers and ensure access to a full range of health care and other services for people in and seeking recovery” asserts Pat Taylor, Executive Director of Faces & Voices, the group that conducted the survey.

The results included a 10-fold decrease in involvement with the criminal justice system and use of emergency services and a 50 percent increase in participation in family activities and in paying taxes. “People in recovery are much more likely to vote, obtain health insurance, hold a steady job, further their education or start their own business. They are much less likely to be involved in domestic violence or have untreated emotional or mental health problems, compared with when they were actively addicted.”

“The survey found as recovery progresses, people’s lives improved in every area. For example, they increasingly take care of their health, eat better, exercise more, and go to the dentist. Rates of employment, participation in family activities, returning to school or training and paying taxes all gradually increase as a person spends more time in recovery. These improvements continue over time as recovery in maintained” the authors of the study concluded.

Those who work a recovery program know that improvement occurs over time as the life is surrendered to God. While research reveals that that there are physical, emotional and sociological benefits to recovery, we also know that there are spiritual benefits. A surrendered life is a connected life. This month, we focus on Step 9. Its message could be this: A life in which amends have been made is a guilt-free life. May this be your experience as we journey together to the fullness of life that God has for us.