ARMin News

Several people attended the Adventist Recovery On Sabbath October 5th, the Official Kick-Off at the Antioch Church in Williamson, NY was held. The members of the J2W team that meet at Mt. Carmel in Syracuse, and at Antioch, provided testimonies in a program entitled “Faces in Recovery”. Elder Darryl provided the Sermon for Divine Worship and the members then shared their testimonies of What it was like, what happened, and What it is like now that they are J2W members learning how to incorporate the 12 Steps in their lives! There were approximately 50 attendees, many coming from the Syracuse area, as well as from the local community.

A follow-up meeting was held at the New England SDA Church on 10/5/013. Steve B., the Health Leader from the Spartanburg, SC SDA church, taught the Sabbath School lesson as related to ARM biblical principles of recovery. Frank Sanchez chaired the afternoon ARM meeting and it was a great learning experience with the Holy Spirit leading out.