A New Year: New Beginnings in the Journey

Director’s Message

When a year ends it is natural to consider the blessings or challenges we faced.  We may be tempted to minimize our responsibility for the poor choices we’ve made, maximize all the things we did wrong, feeling sorry for ourselves and discouraged. In either case, the result is damaging to our health.

God’s plan is for us to look forward to the New Year with a smile on our face, ready to write on the new blank pages He is making available for us. But an inventory must be taken if we are to continue growing and advancing on our journey.

To take an inventory we must be willing to set pride aside, humbly seeking God’s Spirit to accept the truth about ourselves. Pride stands in the way of us listening to what God is trying to communicate. This was true with King Saul.  Pride was at the core of his demise. On the other hand, humility opens the door for God to work in us and through us. We see this in the life of Samuel or David. They were humble at heart and willing to set self aside in order to better represent God to world.

Often we don’t understand  humility. Someone said “humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” Interesting. We are precious in God’s eyes. He left His throne in Heaven to die for us. He would have come just for you. You are the apple of His eye. Nothing can change that. But we need to learn to set pride aside and think of ourselves less, putting God first. God alone can teach us humility Christ exemplified in His life. He promised that if we would humble ourselves and pray, He would hear and heal us. Let us take our inventory once again and humbly seek Him in this New Year. He has wonderful blessings waiting along this journey?