LAKE UNION – Michigan Conference

ARMin News

Addiction Recovery Sermon series- Pastor Dwight Nelson, from Pioneer Memorial Church located at Andrews University in Barrien Springs, Michigan, started “The Bondage Breaker” sermon series on addiction and recovery on March 29, 2014.  The web access to the sermons is available at, including previous sermons.

Journey to Wholeness Sabbath School class began meeting at Pioneer Memorial Church on April 5, 2014, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Andrews University Seminary. Room N-110. All are welcome to attend.

*Several requests have come to our ARMin office in regards to online 12-STEP Journey to Wholeness (JTW) meetings. We are planning to establish this and if you would like to volunteer as an online facilitator, please send us your bio via the email below. We are looking for someone with expertize in technology and 12-step meeting using the JTW resource.

*Recovery related news, pictures (protect anonymity of individuals in meetings) and upcoming recovery and awareness events are needed for future newsletters.

Please email:
Ray Nelson, Journey to Life Editor –
Dr Katia Reinert, ARMin Director –