The Process of Becoming Whole

Editorial Perspective

The process of “sanctification” (recovery) – becoming wholly devoted, healthy followers of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life (physically, mentally, spiritually and socially) is the work of a lifetime.

Unfortunately, the hurry-up, fast-paced life of today’s world contributes to the thinking of many that recovery from obsessive thinking, compulsive behaviors/harmful habits/addictions can be accomplished in a short time.

In addition, people carry baggage from their past –
• Abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, financial, threats, etc.)
• Memories of mistakes and failures
• Lack of real help from various sources
• Escape and temporary relief resulting from addictive practices

All this and more contributes to the intense desire to find quick recovery and be a whole, healthy, well-balanced person.

Well-meaning family and friends may question: “Do you still need to go to 12-Step meetings?” They may comment: “Perhaps you are addicted to meetings.” “Why do you still consider yourself to be an alcoholic / an addict?” Reminders of who a person is apart from Jesus Christ help each person recognize their great need for strength each day to be the Christian they hope to be. The apostle Paul understood who he was, even as a mature Christian, when he wrote to Timothy that he was among the worst of sinners (see 1 Timothy 1:15).

“When Christ abides in the heart, we are able to impart to others the light and peace that have been imparted to us. … Whatever temptations, trials, or persecutions may come upon us, we need not be discouraged.

We are to live only one day at a time. We do not have to do the work of a life-time in a few hours.” Review and Herald, Feb 23, 1889.

The love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Highest Power, who promised to be with His followers to the end, offers more abundant life (see John 10:10). “One day at a time” we can be and do His will and thereby bring glory to His name.

Ray Nelson, MDiv, MSPH