The Call to Initiate an ARMin Ministry

Director’s Message

The Call to Initiate an ARMin Ministry
We are at the beginning of another year, and for many who seek for God’s guidance for the plans ahead, perhaps a clear call is heard from above to engage in ARMin.

I have received several emails of people who learn about ARMin and then feel called to start a group in their own church. Often they have been on a journey to recovery themselves, or have had someone in the family who has. Thus they feel called to share that experience with others. Other times, they are searching for a ministry that can be relevant to both, members and others in the community, who may be suffering from various unhealthy addictive behaviors. They see ARMin as a way to connect offering hope and healing.

Now, often many ask, “how do I start?” Sometimes they feel they already have experience attending or leading a 12-step group at work or even at church and that the ARMin training is not needed. However, we emphasize that regardless of the previous experience someone may have had with 12-step meetings, the official NAD ARMin Training is critical and required for the program to be successful. Why?

It is simple. The ARMin meetings and program, are slightly different from a regular 12-step meeting or even a Celebrate recovery meeting, in that we have a specific resource used and also important elements that are unique to the ARMin program. In addition, the structure of ARMin in the SDA Church, is also different than in other settings. The training provided by the NAD ARMin is meant to impart knowledge of addictions and its elements, explain the Journey to Wholeness resource use, and also the elements regarding how to best run the meetings. In addition, connections are made with other ARMin leaders and facilitators, so one can build a network for support.

We invite you to consider being an ARMin facilitator for your church, allowing God to use you to bring hope and healing to many. We have scheduled several training opportunities in 2015 across many regions of the US (see Upcoming Calendar and Events). If you are feeling God calling you to this ministry, don’t put it off. Allow Him to guide and direct your path. The blessing you will experience is beyond measure.

Katia Reinert, PhD, CRNP, FCN