Director’s Message

Director’s Message

Many of you know that I have transitioned from NAD to the General Conference Health Ministries department, and I am pleased to announce that a new leader has been nominated as the ARMin Director for NAD. The new ARMin director, Dr Angeline David, will start her role as leader in March, and I have no doubt God will use her powerfully as she leads ARMin these next five years. She will meet the ARMin Committee members at the first meeting on January 14, during the Emotional Wellness Summit in Orlando, FL (

I would like to thank the ARMin Board for their passion for this ministry and their invaluable contributions. I also would like to express my deepest gratitude to Pr Ray Nelson for the fine job of editing this newsletter and for having a deep commitment for this ministry for over a decade now. His involvement and leadership have been critical. I also would like to thank Drs Sedlacek, McBride, and Whyte, who have dedicated their time and expertize in helping train other leaders to start ARMin grouups in their local congregations. We have conducted training in 6 of the 9 unions in NAD with nearly 500 participants being equipped. Without the contribution of these and other volunteers, this ministry would not have been possible. Ultimately, God is to be praised for every single blessing and step forward for ARMin in our territory.

May each of us follow God’s plans in 2016 as we partner with Him in loving people, and sharing with them the hope that is in us. I ask for your prayers on behalf of Dr David and myself, as we each follow God’s calling on our new roles. I look forward to help expand the reach of ARMin throughout the world as we equip leaders and expand resources that may be used in other Divisions.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and for all you did and do to support this ministry.

Grateful in His Service.

Katia Reinert, PhD, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, FCN
Former NAD Health Ministries / ARMin Director
Current Associate Director for Health Minitries
General Conference of SDA