Be Careful

Editorial Perspective

Here in Berrien Springs, Michigan, as the Spring days grow longer and the sun gets warmer, the sun’s ultraviolet rays become stronger. After a few minutes in the sun, when these UV rays are strongest, we need to be protected with clothing, a hat, or sun-block lotion. Without such protection the result will be a painful sunburn and potential skin cancer in the future.

It is so easy, when the warmth of the sun seems so pleasant, that the wise instruction of parents to their children – “be careful” – is often forgotten. Not just the young but those of us who are a little older need to remember this directive as well. I know that on many occasions in the past I was not careful. The pain of the sunburn only lasted for a short time. However, some of the results now show up as pre-cancerous skin spots that need periodic treatment by a dermatologist.

Paul writing to the early Christian church in Ephesus provides the same instruction to those who read his letter. He writes, “Be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise.” Ephesians 5:15.

The painful and harmful consequences which happen as the result of not being careful to avoid addictive substances and behaviors are much more damaging than too much sun. As you read the testimony and the feature article in this issue of The Journey to Life, you will find stories of lives where the instruction to “be careful” was frequently forgotten and the resulting damage led to addiction, and family dysfunction.

Ray Nelson, MDiv, MSPH