12 STEPS to Recovery – STEP #6

Focus on the Recovery Process

A long while ago an acquaintance of one of my friends moved from the city where he had taught in a public school for many years to the beautiful state of Vermont. The tree covered mountains and picturesque farms were very attractive to him.

Due to deafness in the city he was without his teaching job. So he decided to move his family away from the evil influences of the city to the rural environment of a state where people would jokingly say there were more cows than people. Not too many months passed and it became very apparent that it is easier to get people out of the city than to get the evil influences out of the city out of people. One day I stopped by their rented housing and was informed that they were now subscribing to a television cable service. When I was shown the magazine that came with the subscription, I noticed that the service contained many X-rated movies with “adult sexual content” and “violence.” The evil influence and temptations of the city were now present in their house.

Moses before the people of Israel entered the promised land of Canaan, instructed them to “drive out the inhabitants of the land,” and “destroy all their stone and metal idols and all their places of worship” (see Numbers 33:51,52).

To find the promised heavenly Canaan land represented by Canaan in this Bible scripture, it is necessary to drive out the evil inhabitants of our lives. This begins with a readiness to have God remove all defects of character.

Isn’t it amazing how God’s instructions to Moses often correspond to the steps we need to take in our recovery.

Aiden N.