ARMin News

ARMin News

Do you have a story to share? Facing Addiction is a national non-profit organization that is asking you to share your story of recovery from addictions. You may do so at this link: Please note that this website is not affiliated with Adventist Recovery Ministries nor the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

According to research published in the journal Pediatrics, children who are frequent victims of bullying in the fifth grade are more likely to suffer from depressive symptoms in the seventh grade and are more likely to use alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco in the tenth grade(1). The work of recovery begins with our children and youth, and in our homes.

Recovery related news, pictures (protect anonymity of individuals in meetings) and upcoming recovery and awareness events can be sent for future newsletters. Please send these to Ray Nelson, Journey to Life Editor – adventistrecovery@gmail.comand/or Angeline David, Adventist Recovery Ministries Director –