ARMin News

ARMin News

Lake Union
Adventist Recovery Ministries was represented at the Michigan Conference Camp meeting, June 16 – 24, 2017 by Harlene Smith, Lake Union Associate Coordinator for this Christ-centered recovery Ministry, shown above on the left. She is pictured with Vicky Griffin, Health Ministries Director for the Michigan Conference.

Columbia Union
Adventist Recovery Ministries Awareness day was held at the Hillside Adventist Church in Harrisburg, PA on July 22, 2017. Elder Darryl Banks, Chaplain at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore, MD was the guest speaker for the morning services. A 12-step meeting was held in the afternoon and plans are underway to begin a Journey to Wholeness group at the Hillside church. Elder Banks has started four groups in the past and will be starting another group “Reconciliation & Restoration @Blades” in his home church in Bowie, MD.

Recovery related news, pictures (protect anonymity of individuals in meetings) and upcoming recovery and awareness events can be sent for future newsletters. Please send these to Ray Nelson, Journey to Life Editor – adventistrecovery@gmail.comand/or Angeline David, Adventist Recovery Ministries Director –