Extract from Article titled “Gangrene of the Soul”
THE magistrates seem to be having a difficult task on hand, in trying to decide questions of conscience,” observes an exchange published in London, England. – ” The law allows the ‘ conscientious objector’ to vaccination to receive a certificate of exemption, but it scents that a man’s statement to that effect is not sufficient. J1c prove, to the satisfaction of the magistrate!t1 I.i he is conscientious. Of course the thing is irr possible, for in a case of that kind no one can do more than solemnly declare his conscientious convictions. The result is that the granting of the exemption depends wholly upon what the magistrate believes in the case, and not on what the applicant believes. The worst feature about the matter is the precedent that is set, that a man’s conscience may be a subject of legal examination. The Inquisition was built upon that.”
Printed in section “News and Notes”
— A Camden, N. J., dispatch of the 16th inst. states that ” the eighth death from lockjaw, due to vaccination, has been reported. Citizens are up in arms, and are openly defying the school authorities, who are trying to compel vaccination of all school children.”
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