Seasons of Grief Facilitator Training

April 26-27, 2025

Spokane, WA, USA

Gain the skills needed to effectively and compassionately host a grief support group.

On-site registration is limited and will be available on a first-come first-served basis.

Starts In

The Weekend at a Glance

Schedule Overview

2:00 pm | Check-in Opens

3:00 pm | Training in Session

5:00 pm | Close

Continental breakfast available

9:00 pm | Training in Session

12:00 pm | Lunch (provided)

1:00 pm | Training in Session

5:00 pm | Close

Note:  You must attend ALL sessions and complete a post-training evaluation in order to receive the certificate of training.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the needs of mourning a loss
  • Describe the differences in facilitator, instructor/leader and trainer roles
  • Gain skills and gather tools needed to facilitate and create a safe and supportive group environment
  • Apply current research on the topic of grief and loss that are underscored by spiritual principles
  • Create a plan to offer an ongoing peer support grief group in their local church and community
  • And more!

Learn more about the Seasons of Grief support group program by clicking the button below.

Meet Your Instructor

Teresa Nelson, BSN, RN

Teresa has been involved in grief recovery ministry for the past 20 years. She received her BSN from Loma Linda University. She has been specializing in Faith Community Nursing for the past 20 years. She has served as Coordinator of Faith Community Nursing programs throughout Adventist Health and as a FCN and Health Ministry Coordinator in her home church. She retired from Adventist Health in 2018 having served as a staff chaplain for ten years. She also previously served as President of the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing.  She lives with her husband, Ben, in Sonora, CA. They have two adult sons and three grandchildren.

Make Your Plans to Be There


Upper Columbia Conference Headquarters
3715 S Grove Road
Spokane, Washington 99224


Click the hotel’s name to access the reservation information for discount pricing.

3809 Geiger Blvd, Spokane, WA 99224

(509) 315-8922

Request the rate for Upper Columbia Conference

Hotel website

Airport & Transportation

Roommates & Rides

Looking to carpool or find a roommate to share expenses?  Visit our Facebook group to connect with others who are planning their trip!

Registration Information


You may select from one of the following registration types.

Includes the following:

  • Seasons of Grief program material at a discounted rate
  • Meals
  • Certificate of training provided by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

Includes the following:

  • Meals
  • Certificate of training provided by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

Does not include the Seasons of Grief program material.

Important Notes

Registration is limited to 25 attendees and will be closed once that number is reached.

You may cancel your registration prior to April 15 for a refund minus 15% processing fee.  After April 15, please contact us to process transferring your registration to another person.

Full refund will be given to registrants if the course is canceled by the organizers.  Please note, the course will be canceled if there is fewer than 12 registrants.

But Wait, There’s More…

Recovery Ministries

Learn more about the resources, tools, and networking offered through the Adventist Recovery Ministries (ARMin).

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10

The ministry of Jesus Christ, while on earth, was to show us the path of restoration.  He continues this ministry in the courts of heaven, and He empowers us to do the same on earth today.

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11

God’s desire for us is that we would experience true and lasting peace and joy.  Adventist Recovery Ministries (ARMin) provides training, resources, and networking for those who seek to support others in their journey of restoration.

Should Be Involved

Learn more about the trainings we offer for ministry leaders, health professionals, and laity.

will be able to support a ministry of healing from past hurts in their congregations.

will be able to provide effective support to meet the needs of your clients and patients.

will supercharge their evangelism efforts by being relevant to the needs of people in their community.

will gain resources to open new doors for reaching out to your community while recognizing the value of “inreach” ministry to fellow church members.

will learn how to expand the reach of your ministry by using effective tools for ministering to the past hurts of your network.

will learn how to recognize the hurts being experienced by youth and young adults and how to support them in their healing journey.