Health Sabbath

Passing On Values to The Next Generation


Recovery & Trauma Join us for our final Health Emphasis Sabbath of the year – which will be on recovery and trauma. Plan to bring your church and community together for this special emphasis on the power Christ has to restore freedom in our lives.November 11, 2023. LET'S Raise Awareness Available resources Sermon video Use the video recording to play the sermon during your worship service.  Run time is 39 minutes. Download Sermon script This script is available to anyone who would like [...]

Passing On Values to The Next Generation2024-03-07T17:22:59-05:00

Health Everlasting Sabbath


Healing work directly results in opportunities to proclaim the power and goodness of God and faith in Jesus Christ, and the hope He gives for “Health Everlasting”. Get Engaged In Health Evangelism North American Division Health Sabbath 2023 is on September 16, but health ministry can be celebrated any day of the year. Use these resources on a date that is best for your church. Get Engaged In Health Evangelism Available resources Sermon video Use the video recording to play the sermon during your worship service. [...]

Health Everlasting Sabbath2024-03-07T17:15:55-05:00

Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo


Nurses Sabbath 2023 Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo: La plenitud de la vida se acuna en los brazos de la buena salud. Sin embargo, miramos a nuestro alrededor y vemos trabajadores de la salud estresados, agotados y que dejan el trabajo en números récord, o tal vez, están considerando irse. ¿Y tú cómo estás? ¿Has sido llamado para un momento como este? El Día de Agradecimiento a las Enfermeras de la Division Norteamericana fue el pasado 6 de mayo de 2023. Las enfermeras pueden ser apreciadas cualquier día del año. Utiliza estos recursos en la fecha [...]

Levántenlo, Él nos llama a hacerlo2025-03-18T22:47:07-04:00

Lift Him Up, ‘Tis He that Bids You


Nurses Sabbath 2023 Lift Him Up, 'Tis He That Bids You: The fullness of life is cradled in the arms of good health. Yet we look all around and see healthcare workers, stressed, burned out and leaving in record numbers or perhaps, considering leaving. How are you holding up? Have you been called for such a time as this? NAD Nurses Appreciation Sabbath was May 6, 2023. Nurses can be appreciated any day of the year. Use these resources on a date that is best for your church. Learn How Your Church Can Support Nurses in Health [...]

Lift Him Up, ‘Tis He that Bids You2025-03-18T22:45:44-04:00

Una luz en la oscuridad


Más de 700.000: el número de personas que mueren por suicidio cada año (OMS). Inicie la conversación sobre la salud mental y la prevención del suicidio participando en el sábado de Bienestar Mental en su iglesia. El sábado de Bienestar Mental es el 18 de febrero de 2023. Haga de la prevención una prioridad For English, click here Recursos disponibles Video del sermón Use la grabación de video para mostrar el sermón durante su servicio de adoración. Tiempo de ejecución 45 minutos. Descargar Guión [...]

Una luz en la oscuridad2024-03-07T17:08:33-05:00

Light in the Dark


More than 700,000: the number of people who die due to suicide each year (WHO). Start the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention by participating in Mental Wellness Sabbath at your church. Mental Wellness Sabbath is February 18, 2023. Make Prevention A Priority Para español, haga clic aquí Available resources Sermon video Use the video recording to play the sermon during your worship service. Run time is 45 minutes. Download Sermon script This script is available to anyone who would like [...]

Light in the Dark2024-03-07T17:05:56-05:00

Keep Moving


Resources For Season 3, we want to not only emphasize exercise through our Made to Move Sabbath, but also the growing challenge of mental health. These two aspects of human experience are much more intertwined than it may seem. The sermon will speak to this intersection and demonstrate that physical movement and exercise are not only key to our physical health, but also our mental health. Sermon Title: Keep Moving Scripture Reading:  Proverbs 24:16 Use this sample announcement to invite your church to participate in the Virtual 5k [...]

Keep Moving2024-03-07T17:49:32-05:00

Facing Your Fiery Furnace


Facing Your Fiery Furnace Health Sabbath 2022 Is your passion burning you out?  Are you feeling overwhelmed?  Join us for this special Sabbath programming to discuss how to Be On Fire, But Not Consumed! On this page you will find resources to run a Health Sabbath at your church.  A specially prepared sermon by Dr. Ricardo Whyte will be provided, both in video format and script. Sermon Title Facing Your Fiery Furnace: What To Do About the Burn Suggested Scripture Reading Romans 12:1, 2 Prepared by Dr. Ricardo Whyte, to be [...]

Facing Your Fiery Furnace2024-03-07T17:25:33-05:00

How to Keep From Losing Your Mind


Mental Wellness Sabbath April 1 - 2, 2022 In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, how can we maintain mental wellness?  Join us for this special programming as we look at several of these gifts from God that were made for our good health.  This need is nearly overwhelming communities.  Be there.  Be a resource.  Be restored. The program includes these resources for your church: Friday evening vespers program -- Impact of Music on the Brain Sabbath morning sermon -- How to Keep from Losing Your Mind Sabbath afternoon training -- Addressing Loneliness: Friendship Evangelism at Its Best [...]

How to Keep From Losing Your Mind2024-03-07T17:21:34-05:00

The Joy of Eating


The Joy of Eating Health Sabbath 2021 Immediately after creating humankind, God showed them the abundance of delicious and nutritious food available to them.  He meant it for their good health, and for their good pleasure.  This year, we will look at what God intended for us through our diet, but also some of the problems that came along with the entrance of sin.  This is an opportunity to relish the Joy of Eating that comes when we see it from God's original design. On this page you will find resources to host a Joy of Eating Health [...]

The Joy of Eating2024-03-07T17:26:35-05:00
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