Printed in “News Notes”
Canadian Recruits Must Be Vaccinated.— The order has been issued that all recruits must be revaccinated if it is thought necessary by the medical examiners. Those who refuse vaccination are to be rejected.
Printed in “News Notes”
Vaccination Bill Signed.— The governor of New York has signed the bill making vaccination compulsory in cities of the first and second class in both public and parochial schools. In cities of the third class and in rural communities the school authorities are required to bar all unvaccinated pupils when there is an outbreak of smallpox.
Printed in “News Notes”
Vaccination Law Upheld.— In reply to an inquiry as to whether there were exceptions to the compulsory vaccination law of 1911, Attorney-General Webb of California held that exception existed in the case of pupils whose parents had conscientious scruples against vaccination, but that the State law requires dismissal from school of all unvaccinated persons whenever a case of smallpox is reported in a school. The law has also been upheld in the case of a student who was excluded from the State University because he refused to be vaccinated.
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