Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine
THE November number of Life and Health is now ready. The make-up of this issue will be revealed in the following outline of the con- tents: THE WOOING OF SLUMBER, Editorial, giving some practical suggestions to poor sleepers. DIVINE HEALING, For whom 1S it? “THE Gos- PEL OF RELAXATION,” with especial reference to the relief of pain. LET’S BE GOOD. It pays. It rejuvenates the mind, promotes health, and renders one a center of, good forces. CURRENT COM- MENT; The Tomato as Medicine; Breakfast Ce- reals Prepared at Home; Sulphured Fruit; “The Cup That Cheers;” Scrap Tobacco; Drug Slavery; Value of Patent Medicine Testimonials; Insufficiency of Patent Medicines; Care of Wounds; State Pure Food and Drug Legislation Needed; Modern Longevity; Vaccination Protects; Child Labor Legislation; Physical Unfitness in School Children. HEALTHFUL COOKERY AND HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS: Preparation of Hominy; Order in the Home’; Nuts and Nut Foods; Recipes for Hygienic Dishes; Practical Suggestions for the Housewife. Fox THE MOTHER: Pitfalls of Our Boys, a timely talk to mothers, by Mrs. M. C. Wilcox; Bad Beyond Belief, cautions to mothers regarding the appetite in little ones. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS; Diabetes; Chronic Ulceration of the Throat; Sore Mouth and Throat; Cold in Head; Gastric Juice and Germs; Saccharin; Yellow Lumps in Tonsils, Pain in Shoulders, etc. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS: An English View of Nutrition; The Limitations of Mind-Cure; Hygiene of the Voice; American Meats, how they are received in Europe; Bee Stings for Rheumatism; Where Sanitation Is Unhealthful; Civilized Football. NEWS NOTES, giving information of the progress of the world along health lines. REPORTS OF MEDICAL WORKERS IN FOREIGN LANDS.
Subscription price for one year, so cents; single copy, 5 cents; twenty-five or more copies to one address, 2 ½ cents a copy, or $2.50 a hundred. A liberal commission is allowed agents on yearly subscriptions. Correspondence solicited.
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