Listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine
THE February number of Life and Health is said to be the best number published. The following table of contents will help to give some idea of its value: How to Overcome Constipation; Normal Life; Jesus the Healer; The Anti- Alcoholic Movement among Students and Practitioners; Paralyze Your Leucocytes? A Deadly Fallacy; The Venereal Peril; Unclean News- papers; Smallpox and Vaccination; A Time for Study and a Time for Sleep; The ” New ” Dietary; Reading in Bed; The Earthquake Cure; Some Uses of Cottonseed Oil ; Health Principles in Australia; A Hydropathic Institute, Adelaide, Australia; Rome, Italy; From a Doctor’s Note- Book; Unfermented Dough Breads; The Bright Side (poem) ; Reading and Association of Our Children; The Decadence of Family Life; When Girls Go Wrong; Child Training; A Reformer among Charlatans; Some Enemies of Reform; Two Reasons for the Use of Alcohol Examined; Let the Children Sleep; ” The Swing of the Pendulum; ” News Notes, etc. Subscription price for one year, 50 cents; single copy, 5 cents; twenty-five copies to one address, 2 1/2 cents a copy, or $2.50 a hundred. A liberal commission is allowed agents on yearly subscriptions. Correspondence solicited.
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