Early Adventist Writings

Writings regarding vaccination published in early editions of Adventist publications.

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 22


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Shall We Vaccinate Against Tuberculosis? Read of Actual Results Produced by This New Remedy. See Also Other Excellent Features in This June Number. Some June Features How a Vacation Paid for Itself Preventive Vaccination Against Tuberculosis History of Tobacco Using (Illustrated) Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19130529-V90-22.pdf

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 222021-10-19T16:20:33-04:00

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 21


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Shall We Vaccinate Against Tuberculosis? Read of Actual Results Produced by This New Remedy. See Also Other Excellent Features in This June Number. Some June Features How a Vacation Paid for Itself Preventive Vaccination Against Tuberculosis History of Tobacco Using (Illustrated) Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19130522-V90-21.pdf

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 212021-10-19T16:19:27-04:00

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 20


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Shall We Vaccinate Against Tuberculosis ? Read of Actual Results Produced by This New Remedy. See Also Other Excellent Features in This June Number. Some June Features How a Vacation Paid for Itself Preventive Vaccination Against Tuberculosis History of Tobacco Using (Illustrated) Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19130515-V90-20.pdf

Review and Herald for 1913 – Vol. 90 – No. 202021-10-19T16:18:07-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 49


Printed in article titled "Typhoid Vaccination for Foreign Missionaries" in Section "The World-Wide Field" by HN SISCO, M. D. VACCINATION has undoubtedly proved itself of distinct value in preventing the ravages of smallpox. The following extracts are presented to call the attention of our brethren everywhere, especially our foreign missionaries, to the question of vaccination for typhoid fever as a valuable prophylactic measure in this disease, with the suggestion that it be more fully used. "Fox discusses the results of preventive inoculation in the British army in India, showing that the number of cases among the vaccinated troops amounted [...]

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 492021-10-19T16:11:53-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 47


Printed in section "News and Miscellany" — Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, of the University of Michigan, advocates vaccination against tuberculosis. He says he has had success in vaccinating the unaffected members of a household when one or two have consumption. He used the non-poisonous residue of the tubercle bacillus, and urges that it be generally employed. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19121121-V89-47.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 472021-10-19T16:05:23-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 23


Printed in section "News and Miscellany" — It is stated by Major F. F. Russell, of the American army medical corps, that as the result of antityphoid vaccination that disease has practically been wiped out from the army. He declared that 1,580 deaths resulted from typhoid during the Spanish-American war, but during the army maneuvers in Texas last year only one case developed. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19120606-V89-23.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 232021-10-19T16:03:38-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 18


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Current Comment.—" Personal Liberty "— Contaminated Oysters — Overeating Menaces the Race — Smallpox and Vaccination, etc. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19120502-V89-18.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 182021-10-19T16:01:52-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 17


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Current Comment.—" Personal Liberty "— Contaminated Oysters — Overeating Menaces the Race — Smallpox and Vaccination, etc. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19120425-V89-17.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 172021-10-19T16:00:27-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 15


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Current Comment.—" Personal Liberty "— Contaminated Oysters — Overeating Menaces the Race — Smallpox and Vaccination, etc. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19120411-V89-15.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 152021-10-19T15:59:04-04:00

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 14


Partial listing of articles published in the Life and Health Magazine Current Comment.—" Personal Liberty "— Contaminated Oysters — Overeating Menaces the Race — Smallpox and Vaccination, etc. Link to Publication https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19120404-V89-14.pdf

Review and Herald for 1912 – Vol. 89 – No. 142021-10-19T15:57:19-04:00
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