Review and Herald

Writings on vaccination published in early editions of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald.

Review and Herald for 1894 – Vol. 71 – No. 22


— The prevalence of small-pox in Chicago, and its presence in three places in Michigan, has caused the board of health of this State to advise all the local health boards to recommend general vaccination and re-vaccination of all persons not successfully vaccinated within five years Link to Publication

Review and Herald for 1894 – Vol. 71 – No. 222021-10-14T09:44:18-04:00

Review and Herald for 1881 – Vol. 58 – No. 25


Selection from an article titled "Electricity As a Factor In Happiness" ...And these things gained, what will be the addition to human happiness? It is always necessary to ask that question; for, as a rule, the grand prizes of human intelligence, the additions to human knowledge of which we are so proud, have added little to the happiness, of the millions who, and not the few rich, constitute man. It would be difficult, indeed, to prove that any great scientific discovery, except the lucifer-match, which made light and heat, as it were, portable, chloroform, which extinguished some forms of [...]

Review and Herald for 1881 – Vol. 58 – No. 252021-10-19T13:43:10-04:00

Review and Herald for 1885 – Vol. 62 – No. 39


—Riots have been of almost daily occurrence the week in Montreal, some of which have assumed a very formidable character. Monday night a furious mob attacked several public buildings, including the central police station, East End branch of the health office, and the County House, smashing windows and causing general destruction. The military was ordered out, and after a hard fight police succeeded in restoring quiet. The chief cause ls Canadian aversion to compulsory vaccination, which is being enforced by the Board of Health.  Link to Publication

Review and Herald for 1885 – Vol. 62 – No. 392021-10-12T21:17:39-04:00

Review and Herald for 1874 – Vol. 43 – No. 13


" Rev. M. Cohen Stuart of Rotterdam spoke for Holland, and said: — "Nearly four-tenths, it is true, of the population belong to the Roman Catholic church, and nowhere, perhaps, has the pope more pious devotees and zealous adherents. Neology, unbelief, and religious indifference, have sadly served the cause of the Roman, See, its church daily increasing, if not in relative numbers, at least in power, boldness, and influence." This is not a very flattering view for a Protestant to contemplate. After three hundred years' contention with the Romanists, the Catholics are now rapidly gaining on the Protestants. The [...]

Review and Herald for 1874 – Vol. 43 – No. 132021-10-19T13:43:01-04:00
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