Churches, Schools & Health Care Organizations
How to Launch Adventists InStep for Life in Your Organization
- Select an Adventists InStep for Life Coordinator for your site. Each Seventh-day Advenitst union, conference, church school, univeristy and health care organization needs to have an Adventists InStep for Life Coordinator, whether or not you have formed a team. The Adventists InStep for Life Coordinator will be the person that will coordinate the team in carrying out their responsibilities (see below), register your site online, order materials, submit monthly reporting, and access summary reports. This individual will also be the contact person that will receive ongoing information and email updates about the Adventists InStep for Life initiative. Each site can have only ONE Coordinator.
- Register as a site Coordinator on the HOME page
- Coordinator Responsibilities
- Coordinator Resources
- Form an Adventists InStep for Life Team. Every Seventh-day Adventist union, conference, church, school, university and health care organization in the North American Division is encouraged to form an Adventists InStep for Life team to coordinate activities that inspire healthy eating and physical activity and further awareness of childhood obesity. Individually we are limited in what we can accomplish. The metaphor of the body in Romans 12 reminds us that we function best as a whole. Each of us has a role to play in reducing childhood obesity. Together we can make a difference!
- Adventists InStep for Life Teams
- Partner with your community. Community partnerships are made when people of like goals and similar objectives begin to work together to make a difference for the individuals they seek to serve. Partnering helps us achieve our mutual goals, make better use of resources, share expertise, target efforts, and keep all parties in the community strong.