Websites Related to Obesity Prevention
The African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network addresses weight-related issues in African American communities and offers a number of community tools on their site.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has an interactive website that teaches about food labels.
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, like registered dietitians (RDs). They are the food and nutrition experts.The ADA stresses the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.
Ample Harvest connects community gardens to local food pantries to help feed those in need and is a wonderful resource for communities.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the United States’ premier public health agency.
CHEP, a Canadian organization dedicated to helping children, families and communities have access to good food.
Sponsored by Disney, this Spoonful site features healthy, kid-friendly snacks.
Families with Purpose is an organization passionate about all things family. This page offers community service ideas for families.
Farm to School connects schools (K-12) and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers.
The BackPack Program fosters partnerships with local food banks to supply hungry children with food to take home on the weekends or during school vacations.
Healthy Child Healthy World is a national non-profit organization whose purpose is to create healthy environments where children and families can flourish. Their website also offers nutrition tips, recipes and resources for helping children learn to choose healthy foods.
Healthy Kids Healthy Communities is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that is helping dozens of communities across the country to reshape their environments to support healthy living and prevent childhood obesity. Their resource page provides a list of relevant organizations, publications or tools to help reverse childhood obesity and increase physical activity and healthy eating.
Healthy Recipes for Kids is a site dedicated to sharing recipes, tips and techniques for getting our kids to eat healthy foods.
The American Heart Association’s Healthier Kids site helps kids and families live heart-healthy lives.
The Let’s Move campaign was launched by First Lady Michelle Obama. On this website, you will learn how to prevent childhood obesity, find nutritional facts, get ideas for being active, and learn how you can help schools and communities serve healthier foods to children. You can even set goals for your family’s activity level and meet up with local families and be active together.
The U.S. Department of Health and Social Services created the We Can! website to be your one stop location for information. You’ll find healthy weight tips, ideas for eating right, recipes, activities for kids and more. There are even resources to help bring health and fitness efforts to your community.
Nourish Healthy Kids touts online games to teach kids about nutrition and features sections for kids, parents and educators. You’ll also find articles about nutrition, dietary advice and recipes and learn how to set healthy goals for your family. Sign up for the free e-newsletter to keep the tips and information coming straight to you.
The U.S. government’s nutrition website has information on shopping, cooking and meal planning available in both English and Spanish.
Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools has a goal to fund and award 6,000 salad bars in schools over the next three years.
Super Kids Nutrition has sound nutrition advice for parents and a kids’ site where nutrition and fitness games and downloadable activities help kids learn the basics as well. You’ll find online articles about nutrition, activities for kids, snack and meal ideas, nutrition curriculum for education, books and more.
The Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity provides information about effective community and school interventions that address nutrition and obesity.
Staying Active: An Exercise Guide for Kids has resources for kids, parents, and teachers.