Ways to Get Involved with the SFSP
There are several ways your organization can become involved with the SFSP.
- Become a Sponsor. Conference ACS Directors and Education Superintendants, health care organizations, and larger churches can apply to be a SFSP sponsor. Basically this means organizing the summer feeding program in your area by providing administrative support, managing the state agreement, coordinating food preparation and delivery to the feeding sites, etc. A sponsor may provide its own meals, purchase meals through an agreement with an area school, or contract for meals with a food vendor.
- Host a Feeding Site. A feeding site is the physical location where food is served. Your church, school, or university could host a feeding site at your facility, working with a sponsor that is financially and administratively responsible for the meal service. You can coordinate your site participation with Vacation Bible School, cool camp, sports camp, or other youth activity programs that keep the interest of the children and teens coming back to the site day after day. Your responsibilities would also include promoting the program in the community.
- Provide Volunteers. Feeding children takes lots of volunteers to help with transporting food, preparing and serving meals, and setting up or cleaning up a site. Also needed are educational or recreational activities, such as arts and crafts, tutoring, mentoring, drama, sports, computer training, music, gardening, reading programs, cooking or any other creative ideas you may have.