Ministry Trainings

Sunday, April 3, 2021

On this day, we will present numerous practical trainings that can be immediately implemented in your personal work or church ministry.  Check back soon as details and more courses are added.

Note:  You will need to pre-register to attend any of these classes.  Some will last the entire 8-hour period and require attendance throughout that time.  Please note the timings for each class.

Schedule Overview

All times Eastern

10:30 AM – Main Session

11:00 AM – Full-day and Half-day Trainings (see below)

7:00 PM – Closing Program

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Mental Health & Wellness

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Full-day Trainings

Meet from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm (Eastern time zone)

These courses will be 8 hours long.  You will be able to register for only one of these courses and must stay in the course the entire time to receive the certificate.  Please read course description carefully as some require additional pre-work.

Many are struggling with addictive thoughts, behaviors, and habits.  Learn how to conduct a Christian Journey Group 12-step group to help them gain the victory through peer support.

As a Facilitator for the Journey to Wholeness (JTW) program, you will be empowered with the skills, understanding, and compassion needed to help individuals who are walking the path to freedom from addictions.  Whatever your current level of understanding about addictions, we welcome you to join this group with a desire to help individuals find freedom.  After successful completion, you will be given access to our Facilitator Network for peer support and access to on-going resources.  This network could very well be the key to the success of your ministry.

Learning Objectives

  1. To understand the process of addictions, including behavior and substance addictions.
  2. To understand the factors leading to addictive behaviors, including physiological and social constructs.
  3. To understand the 12-step process to recovery, including biblical foundation
  4. To gain skills in conducting a successful 12-step recovery program
  5. To recognize the role of the church in supporting the recovery process for individuals and communities


  • Dr. Angeline Brauer, Health Ministries Director
  • Dr. David Sedlacek, Professor of Family Ministry & Discipleship, Andrews University and Coordinator, Adventist Recovery Ministries

Additional cost:  $30.00

Class limit:  No limit

Important Notes

  1. Attendees are required to purchase the Journey to Wholeness Complete Set prior to the start of class.  Please plan ahead to allow for adequate shipping time.  The Complete Set can be purchased through AdventSource.
  2. Attendees are encouraged to complete the FREE online course “Every Step Counts” before this class.

Learn the basics of mental health coaching and how you can use this as a ministry or even career. This 8 hour course will cover key fundamentals from the skills you need to effective techniques in guiding clients to healthy emotions. You will walk away with you some practical tools to use in your practice including the basics of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, stress management techniques, and more. This course is aimed at those who would like to work with individuals in setting mental health goals for abundant living.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what is coaching and makes a good mental health coach.
  2. Discover the key qualities of a mental health coach.
  3. Learn the fundamentals and core skills you’ll need.
  4. Be able to set up a one-on-one mental health coaching session.
  5. Acquire practical tools like CBT, faith based, and stress management techniques.


  • Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, LPC, EdD, Author, counselor, musician, speaker
  • Angela Poch, RPC, Counsellor, life coach, author, speaker

Additional cost:  $55.00

Class limit:  no limit

This training is sponsored by the Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching

Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults.  Once you register for this training, you will receive an invitation to join MHFA CONNECT in order to complete mandatory pre-coursework.    Pre-work will be due by April 1.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

    1. Identify the common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges
    2. Identify the common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
    3. Explain and apply the 5 steps in the MHFA Action Plan (ALGEE)
    4. Describe how to connect a person to the help needed.
    5. Explain the expanded content on trauma, substance use and self-care.
    6. Engender hope in all those who are affected.

Presenters: Lynval Williams and Dina Madrid

Additional Cost:  $30 per person

Class limit:  30 attendees

Registration Deadline:  March 27, 2022 due to required course pre-work

This training is offered by Adventist HealthCare, Faith Community Health

This seminar prepares your church to support broken-hearted people.  Learning to create a Grief Care Team that will meet the needs of the grieving individual is an urgently-needed ministry skill.  The work of the team begins after the last casserole dish is washed and will attend to them for up to 12 months. The seminar also helps all attending to learn how to grieve in a healthy way, AND how to support others better with skill and confidence.

Real Help for Grieving Hearts moves a church family from understanding how to grieve in a healthy–Godly way to supporting one another with confident comfort skills to establishing a full Grief Care Ministry Team.  This “Team” supports the grieving individual or family AFTER the last casserole dish is washed; skillfully attending to those who mourn for as long as needed.  It takes a village and when trained, it is beautiful to watch church members care for one another, thus freeing the pastor to continue in serving the word of God and equipping your congregation.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what healthy grief looks like
  2. Learn and practice effective skills for comforting others
  3. Learn how to create a grief care plan and assure the grieving of the support they need


  • Steve Nicola BA, Grief Coach Certified, AACC
  • Karen Nicola MA, Grief Coach Certified, AACC & Grief Recovery Method, Certified in Choice Theory/Reality Therapy

Additional cost:  $55.00

Class limit:  50 attendees

This class is provided by Comfort For the Day ministry.

Identify. Understand. Respond. Mental Health First Aid is a Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues.  You will learn how to recognize the signs of someone experiencing a mental health issue and how to get them the help they need.

Note:  Attendees will get an email from Mental Health First Aid USA with further instructions about setting up an account and completing online pre-session work.


  • Dr. Jon Betlinski, MD, Director of Public Psychiatry, OHSU

Additional Cost:  $30

Class limit:  50 attendees

This training is co-sponsored by the NAD Youth and Young Adult Department

Half-day Trainings

These courses will be 4 hours long and will meet at one of these times.  You will be able to register for one course in the earlier time slot PLUS one course in the later time slot.  Please read course descriptions carefully as some require pre-work.

Morning Session

Meet from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (Eastern time zone)

What is the number one reason for stress in your life? Is it money? In this you are not alone. Most Americans also rank problems with money as the number one cause of stress in their lives.  According to a recent Gallup Survey, the United States has the 7th most stressed-out citizens in the world, despite also being the wealthiest nation in the world. Rich or poor, Americans worry about money.  Anxiety of any shade can lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as checking one’s online bank accounts compulsively and sleep deprivation, which in turn can cause headaches and high blood pressure.  It can also create tension with loved ones. Almost a third of the adults with partners (31 percent) who were surveyed reported that money was a major source of conflict in their relationship.  Join us for our series of talks where we encourage you to breathe hope into your finances.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Stewardship is a reflection of the health of our relationships
  2. Our relationship with God is of first priority


  • Minner Labrador, NAD Vice President for Multilingual Ministries
  • Michael Anthony Harpe, Director, NAD Stewardship
  • Rudy Salazar, Associate Director, NAD Stewardship
  • Esther Knott, Associate Director, Director of InMinistry, NAD Ministerial

Additional cost:  None

Class limit:  No limit

Free gift given to the first 10 people who register and attend all the Stewardship Seminars

This 4-hour session will cover prenatal, infancy, toddlerhood, early childhood, late childhood, and adolescent emotional and psychological development. Protective factors and resiliency strategies will be shared for each stage of development, as well as risk factors and warning signs. Major mental health disorders in children and youth and their typical age of onset will also be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to effectively identify risk factors through the developmental stages of childhood and adolescence (0-18 yrs).
  2. Participants will be able to effectively identify coping strategies for healthy development across the years of childhood and adolescence.


  • Ashley Dillon, LPC MHSP, PCIT Certified, The Transformation Center
  • Sarah Willis, LPC MHSP, Approved Supervisor, The Transformation Center

Additional cost:  none

Class limit:  no limit

Due to the trauma they have experienced, refugees, asylum seekers, refugee applicants, unaccompanied minors, IDPs, and other displaced people groups face more than their share of mental health challenges.  Anyone working with these groups needs to be aware of the unique and widely differing mental health issues, needs, and perceptions of various groups.  This course is designed to (1) Provide insights into how a various cultures perceive and relate to trauma and various mental health issues, (2) Develop practical skills in tailoring an effective response to mental health needs and issues that arise in various communities of displaced people. (3) Guide the attendees in developing an action plan for the context in which they serve, whether that be on a personal level, or as a church leader.

Learning objectives:

  1. Gain an overview of the various displaced people groups in the North American Division, and an awareness of the various religious and cultural backgrounds and worldviews from which they came.
  2. Understand how various factors, including culture, world view, religious background, age, and even the genetics of various people groups affect their perception of trauma and their response to it, as well as their openness to various interventions.
  3. Learn how to identify signs of mental health issues in various cultures and age groups.
  4. Learn some specific interventions that have proved effective for specific people groups including Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Animists, and specific age groups, including children.
  5. Learn how to develop a culturally appropriate and effective response to mental health needs even in a culture with which you are not familiar.
  6. Learn when to ask for help, and who to ask for assistance with mental health issues among various refugee cultures.


  • Terri Saelee, coordinator, Adventist Refugee & Immigrant Ministries (NAD)
  • Gabriela Phillips, director, Adventist Muslim Relations (NAD)
  • Moses Njuguna, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist with specialty in coping with displacement; pastor serving a church with a large number of refugees
  • Jocelyn Weiss Bennett, LMSW, Clinician, Supervisor Clinical Services, UC Foster Care, Bethany Christian Services

Additional cost:  None

Class limit:  No limit

This training is co-sponsored by the Refugee and Muslim Ministries of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

This course aims to equip attendees to be able to “sponsor” another member of a 12-Step group: i.e. to be able to guide that person through the 12 Steps.  The course will cover the principles behind the Steps and practical tips & techniques for teaching someone else to understand and apply them in their own recovery journey.  Attendees will be guided to apply what they learn by sponsoring another person in the weeks following this teaching session and the speakers and attendees will then meet online again to share and discuss experiences and receive feedback.

Learning Objectives

  1. Consolidate the key principles of the 12 Steps
  2. Understand the principles & practical techniques for leading another person through the 12 Steps
  3. Gain practical experience of guiding another person through the 12 Steps


  • Dr. David Sedlacek
  • Stephen Eccles

Additional cost:  $15

Class limit:  12 attendees.  Note, attendees must have completed the Journey to Wholeness Facilitator training and have experience using the 12 Steps for your own recovery.

Trauma exists in every community in the world. Anxiety, depression, and addiction were already reaching epidemic proportions before the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, many children are exposed to painful traumatic experiences while growing up. New research is coming out every year testifying to the dramatic effects of this trauma upon the brain and body, the effects of which last for a lifetime. In order for churches to provide adequate spiritual care, trauma-informed ministry is a necessity. This means understanding how trauma affects the individual, both in the present and long after the traumatic events have ceased. This presentation will provide insight into these effects of trauma as well as present skills needed to address its far-reaching impact and better equip members and leaders to engage with others. We will highlight intersections between faith and science, and relevant steps for churches and other faith-based organizations to become sanctuaries of healing in their local context. This presentation is intended to be an introductory first step in the process of becoming a Trauma-informed Church.

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the basic principles of trauma and its impact on the brain
  2. Recognize trauma within a spiritual context
  3. Be introduced to the fundamental elements of a trauma-informed faith community
  4. Be given practical tools that can be immediately implemented to facilitate resiliency and healing


  • Ingrid Slikkers, Executive Director, Andrews University International Center for Trauma Education & Care
  • Pastor James Mello, MDiv/MSW Clinical Intern
  • Hope Malabrigo, Student Chaplain & BSW Intern

Additional cost:  $15.00

Class limit:  no limit

This training is co-sponsored by the Andrews University International Center for Trauma Education & Care

Afternoon Session

Meet from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Eastern time zone)

Stress is a normal part of life and can result from serious illness, job loss, death in the family, painful life events, or strained relationships.  Some research indicate a relationship between conflict management skills and mental health.  In this course, the learner will gain skills in conflict resolution and recognize the Christian perspective for managing stressful relationships.

Learning objectives:

  1. To recognize the value of using conflict resolution techniques for stress management
  2. To understand the skills involved in conflict resolution
  3. To recognize real-world use and application of conflict resolution skills


  • Orlan Johnson, JD, Director, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

Additional cost:  None

Class limit:  No limit

Current data indicates that we are experiencing an ‘epidemic’ of disasters. Biblical counsel reveals that such phenomena is to be anticipated in these last days. Having a plan for supporting those facing crisis is key to providing immediate care when needed.

Learning objectives:

  1. Gain Scriptural insights for crisis care
  2. Review the history of involvement in the disaster response community
  3. Understand the needs of distressed persons after a disaster
  4. Recognize how communities and agencies organize and manage care for people impacted by disasters
  5. Equip spiritual & emotional care providers for disaster work


  • W. Derrick Lea, Executive Director, Adventist Community Services
  • Martin W. Feldbush, D.Min., BCC, CCISM, Emotional & Spiritual Care Educator, Adventist Community Services

Additional cost:  None

Class limit:  No limit

A large majority of mental health problems are rooted in relational disorders. This course provides you with a love map for helping people to thrive in relationships. And assessment tools to help people resist or repair the 3 primary attacks on love. 1 John 4: 16 declares that “God is Love”. We prize John’s statement and have come to believe that Love is the essence of life and the goal of health.  We are focused on helping you become “Relationship Fitness Coaches.”  We utilize   a team-teaching process that involves three segments: 1. Biblical principle 2. Case study to demonstrate practices for applying the principle  3. Personal application and questions.  We are applying these “Psychology of Love” concepts in ministry, education, health improvement, and counseling.  The case studies we share are a mix of break throughs and setbacks.  It is our belief that Jesus designed Churches, and Schools, to be relational fitness centers to equip students and members to be love advocates and coaches.  Imagine what would happen in our communities if  the Churches and Schools had the reputation of places to build or rebuild relationships. We are passionate about this journey and invite you to join us.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To identify and explain the 3 Biblical principles of healthy relationships.
  2. To equip you with assessments and practices for growing healthy relationships.
  3. To identify and explain the 3 threats that undermine healthy relationships.
  4. To equip you with assessment tools for identifying primary problems.
  5. To equip you with healing practices that can restore damaged relationships.


  • Des Cummings MDiv, PHD, retired Pastor/Youth Director, AU Seminary Professor, and AdventHealth Executive
  • Dr. Jill Kahli, businesswoman, entrepreneur, CPA, and psychologist

Additional cost:  $25.00

Class limit:  40 attendees