faith community nurse

COVID-19 Relations


COVID-19 Navigating Communication & Relational Aspects James 1:19 counsels believers to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." That can be challenging in this land of many opinions concerning how best to curb the current pandemic. Join us as we seek to minister in the midst of differing opinions. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Costin Jordache, MA, MBA, APR Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing Adventist HealthCare Costin [...]

COVID-19 Relations2021-10-10T13:44:49-04:00



Gardening for Better Health My Journey Through the years, God has placed me in professional health environments and called me to make better lifestyle changes. While I haven’t always made changes readily, it has been a worthwhile journey. Join us next week as I share my personal health journey, my love of gardening and how well the two work together. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Philip Riley Philip Riley graduated from Washington Adventist University [...]


Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s Disease Dispelling the Myths In this presentation we will focus on: The historical perspective of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in minority populations.  Myths versus Truth! The disproportionately higher incidence of AD in the African American population and “why.” Is it simple forgetfulness or cognitive impairment? What’s the difference? What’s happening with the brain as neurons suffer with buildup of plaque? Understanding and responding to Dementia related behaviors:  helpful tips for caregivers. After the diagnosis then what? A legal perspective, through the journey. The role of the nurse, community, and church from a social perspective. [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease2022-04-19T08:12:03-04:00

Balance Restored


Balance Restored In An Unstable Environment Do we sometimes wonder if we are moving forward or backward?  Are we right side up or upside down?  Please join us as Dr. Beverly Sedlacek invites us to look inwardly at the current state of our hearts and minds.  We will also receive proven, timeless and wholesome methods to restore balance in an unstable environment enabling us to offer help to others we seek to serve. Meet Our Presenter Beverly Sedlacek, DNP,  PMHCNS-BC Dr. Sedlacek is a gifted speaker, therapist, author and educator [...]

Balance Restored2022-04-19T17:05:24-04:00



FCN And COVID-19 Sorting Facts From Fiction In this webinar we discuss critical thinking and a decision tree that can be used by FCNs to discern facts from fiction during this pandemic as they engage in health promotion. Meet Our Presenter Katia Reinert, PHD, MSN, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, FCN Dr Katia Reinert serves as Health Ministries associate director for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and practices internal medicine at Shepherds clinic in Baltimore, Maryland. [...]

FCN And COVID-192021-10-10T13:46:06-04:00

What’s Wrong With You


Moving from “What is Wrong with You?” to “What Happened to You?” Creating an Environment of Support for Traumatized Individuals in Faith Based Organizations In every community and population, there is trauma. It is an epidemic in the world today. New research is coming out every year testifying to the dramatic effects of trauma upon the brain and body. In order for nurses to provide adequate care in any given field, trauma-informed practice is a necessity. This means having an understanding of how trauma affects the individual, both in the present and long after [...]

What’s Wrong With You2022-04-19T17:10:30-04:00

Can We Talk?


Can We Talk? Many of us believe that the local church is an ideal environment in which to receive education and support on the important topic of advanced planning. Perhaps you have seen or even experienced families struggle as they have entered into conversations with medical professionals and have been presented with tough choices as loved ones face serious and life-limiting illnesses. Faith Community Nurses can be a source of support and education no matter where families are in this spectrum. Due to copyright regulations, this webinar was not recorded. Meet Our Presenter [...]

Can We Talk?2024-09-11T16:10:18-04:00

America’s Opioid Addiction Crisis


America's Opioid Addiction Crisis Learning Objectives To provide information on the current trends and prevalence of opioid use and abuse To be able to recognize the signs & symptoms of addiction and opioid abuse To know practical steps to take to address opioid addiction To understand the role of healthy spirituality in addiction recovery Meet Our Presenter Daniel Binus, MD Dr. Binus believes in whole-person care. His goal is to understand and address the emotional, physical, and spiritual factors that influence each patient’s well being. Dr. Binus serves as clinical [...]

America’s Opioid Addiction Crisis2022-04-19T17:13:04-04:00

Bereavement Support


Bereavement Support When Trauma Complicates Grief With the growing prevalence of natural disasters, school shootings, and other traumatic losses, this webinar addresses how a Faith Community Nurse may offer appropriate bereavement support with affected members of her congregation or community. The participant will learn how to differentiate between normal grief and complicated grief, identify types of traumatic events and personal history precursors that may complicate grief, recognize “red flags” in grief manifestations indicating the need for a referral to a professional counselor, and describe appropriate grief support interventions with follow-up strategies that a [...]

Bereavement Support2022-04-19T17:13:20-04:00

FCN Scope & Standards of Practice


Faith Community Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice 2017 Updates and Practice Trends This webinar will identify current and emerging trends influencing faith community nursing practice. It will highlight changes incorporated into 2017 issue of the Scope and Standards of Practice: Faith Community Nursing, 3rd Edition. Discussion will also focus on the key role of HMA in advancing this nursing specialty through its partnerships with ANA and ANCC. Note: Due to copyright restrictions, the recording of this webinar is not available. Meet Our Presenter Alyson J. Breisch, MSN, RN-BC Alyson Breisch [...]

FCN Scope & Standards of Practice2024-09-11T16:09:15-04:00
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