Vegan Lasagna

By Gemalli Austin, DrPH, RD

Ricotta style




“Cheese” Sauce



Prepare Ricotta-style filling:  

  1. By mashing 14 oz water packed extra-firm drained tofu, 2 Tbsp of lemon, 1 tsp of garlic powder, 2 Tbsp of onion powder, 1-2 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of honey, 1/4 cup of yeast flakes, 2 Tbsp of basil (dry) or 2-3 cups of fresh basil.

Prepare green:

  1. In a skillet saute onion until soft
  2. Add garlic, 1/2 cup of peppers, 1 Tbsp of liquid amino, 2-3 cups of green (spinach, kale or sweet potatoes leaves)

Prepare “Cheese” Sauce:

  1. Blend 1 cup of water, 1 cup of cashews, 1/4 cup yeast flakes, 2 Tbsp of lemon, 2 tsp of garlic, 1 Tbsp of onion, 1-2 tsp of salt