Monthly Archives: January 2021



FCN And COVID-19 Sorting Facts From Fiction In this webinar we discuss critical thinking and a decision tree that can be used by FCNs to discern facts from fiction during this pandemic as they engage in health promotion. Meet Our Presenter Katia Reinert, PHD, MSN, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, FCN Dr Katia Reinert serves as Health Ministries associate director for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and practices internal medicine at Shepherds clinic in Baltimore, Maryland. [...]

FCN And COVID-192021-10-10T13:46:06-04:00

The COVID-19 Vaccines


The COVID-19 Vaccines Sorting Through Facts, Sharing Our Mission There’s no doubt that a vaccine has been much anticipated ever since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic. In this webinar, we will hear from renowned experts, Dr. David Williams and Dr. Roger Seheult, and consider what we know to date about the vaccines, questions and concerns, and implications for certain population groups.  We will also discuss what the Church can do to foster hope, awareness, and healing. Meet Our Presenters Dr. David Williams, PhD, MPH, MDiv Dr. Williams is [...]

The COVID-19 Vaccines2021-10-10T13:47:27-04:00
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