
Sugar And the Immune System


Sugar And the Immune System How Much Can I Eat? Contributed by Dr. Natalie Kazzi Buxton DrPH, MS, RD Sugar is an essential component for our body.  Glucose, a simple sugar, is the energy source that our cells need in order to function.  Yet too much sugar is not good for us, which is why we have to pay attention to the sources that we get it from.  While most of us know that eating candy and other sweets is bad for our teeth, consuming foods that have a high [...]

Sugar And the Immune System2021-11-10T11:41:36-05:00

Your Microbiome


Your Microbiome An Immunity Powerhouse Contributed by Dr. Fay Kazzi Shanholtzer PhD, MS, RD As this title caught your attention you might have noticed that you have been hearing a lot more about the gut microbiome in the past few years.  Other terms to describe it include the microbiota, gut bacteria, gut flora, good and bad bugs, and gut bacteria.  Although the gut microbiome is not a new topic, this sudden attention on it is the result of an incredibly large body of scientific literature that has emerged over [...]

Your Microbiome2021-11-10T11:41:36-05:00

Center of Our Health


The Immune System At the Center of Our Health Contributed by Dr. Natalie Kazzi Buxton DrPH, MS, RD Most people don’t think twice about their immune system, until it stops working. As long as you don’t get sick, this system is relatively unnoticed and maybe even not cared for.  The role of our immune system is to basically prevent or limit infection.  We get exposed to infectious bacteria and viruses on a daily basis, but we may only get sick once in a while, if ever, thanks to our immune [...]

Center of Our Health2021-11-10T11:41:36-05:00
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