Meeting Needs In Times of Crisis
During the 1918 flu pandemic, Adventist Churches were closed in order to protect from the spread of disease. But many members continued to minister to the needs of each other and the community. Although the methods may be different today, we can still share hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ.
Christ created a new use for old water jugs in His first miracle during His earthly ministry (John 2). We, too, need to think “outside the box” at times, while still maintaining integrity of our message and methods. The following tools may help you to continue ministering in times of public crisis.
Let’s not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest—if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9, ISV

Informational Resources

My Pandemic Story


Mind & Self-Care

Find Hope

Remember A Loved One
Blessed are those who mourn

Acts of Prayer
United & devoted steadfastly to prayer

Ministry Tools
Share Hope

Vaccine Exemptions

Early Adventist Writings

Revealing the Light