Having a Growth and Spiritual Mindset

In coaching, having the right mindset is important for both the coach and the client. But what exactly is the best mindset, and how can it help in health coaching? 

In 1988, Carol Dweck, PhD, wrote a paper that grouped intelligence into two types: entity (fixed) and incremental (growth) intelligence [1]. She further developed these into what is now known as a “fixed” versus a “growth” mindset. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe they have an unchangeable amount of intelligence, and they allow failure and setbacks to define them. On the other hand, individuals with a growth mindset believe their intelligence can be improved, and they can learn from challenges and failures [2]. It is then easy to see why a growth mindset should be fostered, as it translates into a healthier and more hopeful outlook on life. 

When coaches recognize where their clients are on the fixed-growth mindset continuum, they can help guide and support them more effectively. Also, coaches should be able to identify where they are on the continuum and seek to move them toward a growth mindset to better serve their families, churches, and clients. 

Growth is also paramount in our spiritual walk. In the Book of Romans, we are told God has given us a “measure of faith” [3], and later, we see we can “grow in faith” [4]. But how can we practically grow in faith? We must first come to Christ, confessing and forsaking our sins [5], pray to the Lord to increase our faith [6], study the Scriptures [7], and share these blessings with others. 

Although January is considered a month for making resolutions, it is never too late to make new goals for yourself. While these may include health improvements, consider fostering a growth mindset as well. 

By Kimberly Peters,

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, National DPP Lifestyle Coach at Perfect Soundness Coaching

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K Peters, Having a Growth and Spiritual Mindset, (2024).  Adventist Association of Health and Wellness Coaching, AdventistCoaching.org.


  1. Dweck, C.S. & Leggett, E.L. (1988). “A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality.” Psychological Review. 95(2): 256–273. doi:10.1037/0033-295x.95.2.256. 
  2. ESL Motivational Strategies. (n.d.). Dweck’s Mindset Theories. https://eslmotivationstrategies.weebly.com/dwecks-mindset-theories.html.
  3. Romans 12:3
  4. 2 Thessalonians 1:3
  5. 1 John 1:9
  6. Luke 17:5
  7. 2 Timothy 2:15