Summer Feeding Site Resources

Learn More with these Presentations, Webinars, and Toolkits:

  • Find the Nearest Summer Meal Sites:
  • Call the National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (for Spanish-speaking families) to locate meal sites in your area.
  • Summer Food Service Program Presentation – English | Spanish
  • “A Guide to Starting the Summer Food Service Program in Your Community” – Download Here
  • Feeding Site Supervisor Guide – English | Spanish
  • Outreach Toolkit – The USDA also has a toolkit for creating community outreach materials such as fliers, letters to parents, and press releases that will help the community learn about your program. English | Spanish
  • “Together We Can” Feed Kids During the Summer Webinar Series – The USDA is offering a series of seven free webinars now online here.
  • “Food, Fun and Sun” Contest Winners – Stories and photos highlighting innovative examples of successful summer feeding programs are available online.
  • “Tips for Success – Rural Programs” Fact Sheet – This Fact Sheet provides tips for entities in rural areas thinking about becoming providing summer food on how to overcome transportation problems associated with rural programs.
  • More Resources – Click here for resources from the USDA.


Get Your Site Funded and Registered:

  • Funding – Could your congregation or school use free food to feed hungry kids this summer? If you had free meals, could you spend your limited resources on other costs? The SFSP reimburses sponsors, such as schools, recreation centers, churches, camps, playgrounds, parks, and other community organizations for meals served to children during the summer. The reimbursement is based on the number of meals served. A site can serve up to two meals or one meal and one snack per day per child, with no minimum number of children. In 2010, the rate was approximately $1.85 per breakfast meal served, $3.25 per lunch/supper meal served, and $0.76 per snack served. USDA Foods are provided to eligible sponsors.
  • Joint Use Agreements – For information on creating formal agreements for community access to your buildings and facilities (for any after-hours activities), visit
  • Contact Your SFSP State Agency – View the list of contacts
  • Register Your Site – Make sure families and children can find your site by registering it with the National Hunger Clearinghouse.

Report Your Activities:

For more information, visit or call 1-866-348-6479 or contact your State agency that administers the SFSP.