Just Do It!

Focus on the Recovery Process

[caption id=”attachment_2056″ align=”alignleft” width=”300″] Success steps, business concept, abstract background[/caption]

It seems that it does not matter if you are struggling with substances, lust, doubts about God, patience, pride, anger, jealousy, vanity, stubbornness, irresponsibility or a thousand other things—they all have a common denominator. Yes, everyone is different and every battle is unique, but unless you admit your utter weakness, you are powerless to overcome your struggle, no exceptions.

In my last article, The Best News Ever!, I talked about the freedom and peace that I received from the grace of God in my battle with pornography. Today, I would like to look at three simple, but profound steps that helped me gain victory over lust. Please consider them seriously as these principles are applicable in any situation.

First, the truth will set you free (John 8:32). In very practical terms this means you must expose the lie that is keeping you in bondage. Is there something that you are blind to or that you are unwilling to honestly confess? That thing, be it a lie about yourself, a lie about God or a factual lie, has captured you.

Second, take the log out of your eye (Matthew 7:3-5). Focusing on other people’s struggles, problems and sins is one of the most dangerous “excuses”. If we are ever going to be “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37), we MUST stop making excuses. From experience I know how easy it is to make excuses that superficially justify my actions. However, once I fell, I would then see the stupidity of my reasoning. Excuses maintain the crazy cycle and the longer you keep feeding your lies with excuses the longer you will continue suffering with repeated defeat.

Third, clean up and fill up (Luke 11:24-26). In my life positive change has played a major role in defeating temptation and sinful habits. You see, as we are cleaning up, we must also be filling up with something new, something better. Often a change big or small can be a catalyst for lasting transformation and victory. Change is not running from a problem, but rather it helps break the former attachments that constantly trip us up.

These three steps played a vital role in my life, but they are not the only steps I followed. In fact, I would highly recommend the Twelve Steps for Alcoholics Anonymous, I find these steps to be very helpful, holistic and universal.

And remember, the only way you will win is IF you start at the right place, which is admitting your total hopelessness. First Corinthians 10:12 says, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” If you think you are fine and dandy and you don’t need help, it’s only a matter of time until you will fall.

The best advice I can give you comes from Nike—Just Do It! Stop believing the lies, stop making excuses and do whatever it takes to make positive changes. Will you just do it?

Royce Odiyar
[Editor’s note: Royce is an MDiv Student at Andrews University and Pastor from British Columbia, Canada. If you would like to discuss this more, please visit him at www.faith.hope-link.net.]