I’m Not Defective!

Focus on the Recovery Process

I want to claim and say today
I’m not defective in God’s way

You see I’ve always felt not good enough
And done some pretty negative stuff
I’ve been a good actor and fooled a lot
I’ve lied and cheated and didn’t
To dig myself my own deep grave get caught
All my addictions and fears I’ve saved

My grave of self-hate and deep ugliness
Destructive and sick and such a mess

But within God’s beautiful trees and fresh air
I made a discovery of God’s love and care
A treasure, a gift, a beautiful discovery
To trust my God in Adventist Recovery

12 baby steps I’ll walk towards Him
Towards my Lord who died for my sin
I’ll learn to surrender myself free today
My wounded heart feels God turn and say,
“You’re not defective, I love you alway!”

Written and copyright of Marian (May) Torres