You have two options for the numerous courses available:

  1. attend one all-day course, or
  2. attend one morning plus one afternoon course

You will need to select one of these options when registering.  When you arrive at the Summit, you can choose to register for another course.  Please note, course material fees will not be refunded.

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

All-day Course
Instructors: various
Additional Material Fees:  $150

A Faith Community Nurse (FCN), previously known as Parish Nurse, is a trained registered nurse who serves within a faith community to improve the health of its members. They recognize that spiritual care is central to the practice of an FCN and, working with the pastoral and health teams, facilitates wholistic health for the congregation. This Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Curriculum course will prepare the participant in this specialty practice and is based on the curriculum developed through the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing, which curriculum is owned by Church Health of Memphis, Inc., 1350 Concourse Ave., Suite 142, Memphis, TN 38104. This specialty is recognized by the American Nurses Association. Although you must be a registered nurse to become a Faith Community Nurse, this curriculum is open to others and will be helpful to anyone who is interested in becoming knowledgeable about the principals involved and can work in tandem with an FCN with a full understanding of all that is involved.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.  You must attend all sessions to earn the certificate of attendance.  You will not be able to attend other courses.

Adventist Recovery Ministries: Journey to Wholeness Facilitator

All-day Course
Instructors: various
Additional Material Fees:  $75

The Journey to Wholeness program was developed by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists to provide a safe environment for individuals recovering from addictions. These “Recovery Groups” follow the 12 Steps to recovery, as modified from Alcoholics Anonymous, through a Adventist & Christian approach. Facilitator training is key to successfully running the JTW program. You will learn from professionals in addiction recovery as well as lay members who have integrated this program in their church and community.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 9am-5:30pm.  You must attend all sessions to earn the certificate.  You will not be able to attend other courses.

Emotional and Spiritual Care Provider I

All-day Course
Instructors: W. Derrick Lea, Martin Feldbush
Additional Material Fees:  $35

Offered by the Adventist Community Services, this ministry equips pastors, mental health professionals, and church volunteers to assist not only in large mega disasters, but also the smaller crises within their community. Beyond disasters, you can be deployed as an ACS Emotional and Spiritual Care volunteer. Each situation to which you are deployed provides an opportunity to provide appropriate emotional and spiritual care for traumatized survivors. The ACS Emotional and Spiritual Care credential is International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) certified and exceeds National Volunteers Active in Disaster (NVOAD) standards.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 9am-5:30pm.  You must attend all sessions to earn the certificate.  You will not be able to attend other courses.

A Practical Guide to Effective Health Ministry

Morning Course
Instructors: various
Additional Material Fees:  $25

The health message is a vital part of God’s last day message to the world. When done effectively, it opens the way for people of all backgrounds to accept the gospel truths. This seminar will look at the keys to running a power-filled health ministry at your church. Topics include funding your ministry, avoiding extremes, effective communications, behavior change, principles of prevention, and more. This course is offered by the Health Ministries department of the North American Division, and is highly recommended for all health ministry leaders.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 9am-12:30pm.  You must attend all sessions to earn the certificate.  You will not be able to attend other morning courses; however, you can attend another course in the afternoon.

Current Issues in Vegetarian Nutrition

Morning Course
Instructors: various (see description)
Additional Material Fees: $10

The global interest in vegetarian diets has grown rapidly in the past decade, at least partly due to presidents and pop stars. The Adventist Church has promoted a simple plant-based diet since its earliest years, and science is now giving more evidence to support this eating pattern. This course will look at the science behind current hot topics in vegetarian nutrition, including functional nutrition, nutrigenomics, the gut microbiome, plant-based nutrition and mental health, environmental nutrition, how to correctly interpret research, and updated results from the Adventist-Health Studies.

Monday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Functional Nutrition & Nutrigenomics | Instructor: Peter Pribiš
Tuesday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Gut Microbiome & Gut-brain Connection | Instructor: Peter Pribiš
Wednesday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Environmental Nutrition & Sustainable Vegetarian Diets | Instructor: Joan Sabaté
Thursday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Understanding Nutrition Research & Adventist Health Studies Update | Instructor: Joan Sabaté

You can attend another course in the afternoon.

Expandiendo tus Herramientas de Salud (En Español)

This course has been cancelled

The Missing Ingredient – Wellness Coaching

Morning Course
Instructors: Rick Mautz, Ernest Medina
Additional Material Fees:  $10

Coaching is big business in our world today, because it is effective. People need help to make changes and a supportive coach has proven to be the answer. In Adventist health ministry we need to harness this effective but off ignored skill, because it was how Christ worked, and it powerfully reflects the character of an ever-present, personal God. In this workshop, you will discover the basic skill of coaching which may be the beginning of a life changing profession or an opportunity to transform your health ministry in your church and community as a volunteer Health Partner. You will learn important skills, including listening, asking powerful questions, helping them set reachable goals and most importantly by providing ongoing personal support.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 9am-12:30pm.  You can attend another course in the afternoon.

Hydrotherapy & Basic Home Remedies

Morning Course
Instructor: DonnaLee Lehmann
Additional Material Fees:  $20

This is a practical, educational, hands-on workshop. You will practice treatments using water in all its forms (liquid, steam, ice). You will find out how to create inexpensive equipment using items you have at home such as towels, boiling water, and salt for easy treatments. It is a positive way to learn and practice basic treatments that are easy to use at home as well as for health ministries programs. Come prepared to have fun and to be involved! Wear casual, comfortable clothing.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 9am-12:30pm.  You can attend another course in the afternoon.

Lifestyle Centers

Morning Course
Instructors: various (see description)
Additional Material Fees:  None

The health work of the Seventh-day Adventist church has long included the “lifestyle center” approach to health evangelism. With the increased interest in healthy living among our society, hosting lifestyle retreats can be an effective tool for reaching them with the gospel. This course will consider the history of lifestyle centers, challenges and tools for making them sustainable, Conference-based centers, and in-home health retreats.

Monday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: History and Call for Sanitarium Work | Instructors: Vaughan Sparrow, Zeno Charles-Marcel
Tuesday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Conference-based Lifestyle Centers | Instructors: Leroy Daley, Luis Biazotto
Wednesday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: In-home Lifestyle Retreats | Instructor: Jonathan Zita
Thursday, 9am-12:30pm | Title: Sustainability and Evangelistic Opportunities | Instructor: Zeno Charles-Marcel

You can attend another course in the afternoon.

Self Management of Chronic Disease

Morning Course
Instructor: Nerida McKibben
Additional Material Fees: None

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Almost 50% of the population have at least one chronic disease and 70% will die as a result of chronic disease. Yet self-management strategies can prevent, control, and often reverse conditions such as diabetes, depression, obesity, inflammation, hypertension, and heart disease. This seminar will explain the basis of these chronic diseases and how to self-manage them through non-pharmaceutical means. You will be empowered knowing how to take control of your own health and how to help others to prevent and reverse chronic disease.

Cancer Prevention & Recovery

Afternoon Course
Instructors: various (see description)
Additional Material Fees: $10

“I’m very sorry to inform you, but, it’s cancerous.” These words are too often spoken every day to individuals. Cancer affects all population groups, but certain groups may bear a disproportionate burden of cancer. These disparities in health are often most prominent in minority and resource poor communities. In this course you will discover evidence-based lifestyle strategies that will dramatically reduce risk of cancer, with particular emphasis on breast and prostate cancers. You will also learn about current trends in cancer diagnosis and treatment, and innovative strategies to increase cancer awareness and support cancer survivors through faith-based programming.

Monday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Natural Approaches to Cancer | Instructors: Curtis & Paula Eakins
Tuesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Natural Approaches to Cancer (repeated) | Instructors: Curtis & Paula Eakins
Wednesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Cancer Awareness and Survivor Support Strategies | Instructors: Yvonne Knight & Michael Knight
Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Cancer Awareness and Survivor Support Strategies (repeated) | Instructors: Yvonne Knight & Michael Knight

You can attend another course in the morning.

Collegiate Advocates for Better Living – CABL

Thursday Afternoon Course
Instructors: various
Additional Material Fees: None

Collegiate Advocates for Better Living (CABL) is a student-lead ministry on the campuses of Adventist colleges and universities. The purpose of CABL is to engage college students in sharing Adventist health principles with their peers, leading to better health and school performance. The student advocate also benefits by gaining leadership skills, practice in health education, and a greater sense of purpose. Students are enabled to make a constructive difference with peers and the surrounding campus communities. This course meets Thursday afternoon only and is geared for collegiate students. We will discuss health information and share career advice from health professionals and ministry leaders.

Health Education Tools

Afternoon Course
Instructors: various (see description)
Additional Material Fees:  None

At the most simplistic level, tools are the equipment we use to accomplish a given task. Using the right tool in the right way greatly impacts the effectiveness of the work you are doing. In this class, presenters will share proven and balanced approaches to improving the health of individuals and communities. Topics include Diabetes Undone, Full Plate Living, and Creation Health. You will gain practical skills from the developers of these programs. You may attend one or all days of this course.

Monday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Diabetes Undone | Instructor: Life & Health Network
Tuesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: CREATION Health | Instructor: Lynell LaMountain
Wednesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Full Plate Living | Instructor: Diana Fleming
Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm |Title: Health Expo Resources | Instructor: Rodney Bowes

You can attend another course in the morning.

Healthy Aging & Older Adult Ministry

Afternoon Course
Instructors:  Zeno Charles-Marcel
Additional Material Fees:  None

The Older Adult Ministry promotes Christ-centered, practical and sustainable solutions to successful wholistic aging. It coordinates education and services related to aging, health, finance, and social issues for older adults in the church and community in collaboration with community-based elder care programs that nurture body, mind and spirit. Its purpose is to encourage the active participation of leaders in thinking, dreaming and planning about programs by, with, for and to older adults.  You will also learn the primary health concerns for aging populations and how to prevent or slow decline.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm.  You can attend another course in the morning.

Massage Therapy

Afternoon Course
Instructor: Carola Janiak
Additional Material Fees:  None

Massage is an ancient art which can be learned by most people. In this class you will learn some of the basic indications as well as contraindications of massage. We will go over the importance of touch as well as some of the newer research of oxytocin, a powerful neurotransmitter that is released with massage. You will learn to give massage on a chair for all kinds of ailments. You will learn how to work on people thru their clothes, which can be used anywhere. You will learn and practice techniques as well as get to know the backgrounds to ailments such as headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, tendinitis, etc. Whether a lay person or health professional, there will be lots to learn so that you can help others and lead them to the true source of healing – Jesus Christ. Come prepared to have fun and to be involved! Wear casual, comfortable clothing.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm.  You can attend another course in the morning.

Quiero Vivir Sano (En Español)

This course has been cancelled.

Stress & Mental Health

Afternoon Course
Instructors: various
Additional Material Fees: None

Are you crazy busy and about to snap?  If so, you’re not alone.  Eight out of ten Americans report being stressed out during any given day.  Fast, frenzied, and failing–our lives can be busy but oh so barren, leading to irritability, ill health, and worse.  With depression, addiction, and suicide rates climbing, now is our time to learn how to better understand, meet, and minister to the felt needs and challenges of our suffering communities.  Discover how the Church can be a place of hope and healing for those suffering from these ailments.  You will also gain tools for finding balance in your own life and ministry.

This course meets Monday – Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm.  You can attend another course in the morning.

Urban Missions

Afternoon Course
Instructors: various (see description)
Additional Material Fees: None

The percent of people living in urban areas grew from 34% in 1960 to 55% in 2017. It is expected that 68% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. In this course, you will learn practical skills for reaching the various populations in urban areas. Topics include mobile health vans, vegetarian restaurants, and barbershop ministry. Instructors are actively engaged in mission to cities and building centers of influence.

Monday, 2:00-5:40 pm | Title: Mission to the Cities/Urban Centers of Influence | Instructor: Ernesto Douglas Venn
Tuesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: New York a Symbol | Instructors: Leroy Daley, Luis Biazotto
Wednesday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Vegetarian Restaurants | Instructor: Chef GW Chew
Thursday, 2:00-5:30 pm | Title: Barbershop Ministry & HIV/AIDS | Instructors: Byron & Alfredia Conner

You can attend another course in the morning.