Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease


Alzheimer’s Disease Dispelling the Myths In this presentation we will focus on: The historical perspective of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in minority populations.  Myths versus Truth! The disproportionately higher incidence of AD in the African American population and “why.” Is it simple forgetfulness or cognitive impairment? What’s the difference? What’s happening with the brain as neurons suffer with buildup of plaque? Understanding and responding to Dementia related behaviors:  helpful tips for caregivers. After the diagnosis then what? A legal perspective, through the journey. The role of the nurse, community, and church from a social perspective. [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease2022-04-19T08:12:03-04:00

Can We Talk?


Can We Talk? Many of us believe that the local church is an ideal environment in which to receive education and support on the important topic of advanced planning. Perhaps you have seen or even experienced families struggle as they have entered into conversations with medical professionals and have been presented with tough choices as loved ones face serious and life-limiting illnesses. Faith Community Nurses can be a source of support and education no matter where families are in this spectrum. Due to copyright regulations, this webinar was not recorded. Meet Our Presenter [...]

Can We Talk?2022-04-19T17:12:44-04:00
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