
Nurse Self-care


Nurses Health and Self-care February 2023 The new year of 2023 is here and so is our brand-new Newsletter for the AAFCN in conjunction with the NAD.  The “AAFCN Illuminator” is set to be launched in February 2023.  This quarterly newsletter will feature inspiring articles to enhance the lives of FCNs through providing pertinent information and thought-provoking subjects.  We praise God for the suggestion of developing this newsletter from our leaders and all the committed and creative staff that will be working hard to produce and keep us up to date with the latest, evidenced-based information. [...]

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Burnout! Definition, Prevention, and Management Burnout is not simply about excessive workload. A variety of stressors may lead us down the road to exhaustion, negativism, and inefficacy, which are core symptoms of burnout.  It should be taken seriously, otherwise it will be detrimental to functioning and wellbeing, short-term, as well as long-term.  In this talk, Dr. Bergland will discuss what burnout is, what causes it, and how to manage and prevent it. Meet Our Presenters Torben Bergland, MD Dr. Torben Bergland is one of the Associate Directors of the Health [...]

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