
Nutrition for Vegetarians Part 2


Nutrition Considerations for Vegetarians, Part 2 Contributed by Maggie Collins, MPH, RDN, CDCES, DipACLM A vegetarian diet has been associated with a vast array of health benefits, but what makes it so powerful in preventing, managing, or even reversing chronic diseases is not only the elimination of meat and other animal products, but also the plant-based food choices that are made. In this upcoming webinar we will discuss what are the nutrients of “concern” on a plant-based diet and how to make sure we are not falling short on them to guarantee we are [...]

Nutrition for Vegetarians Part 22021-11-10T11:39:49-05:00

Nutrition for Vegetarians Part 1


Nutrition Considerations for Vegetarians, Part 1 Contributed by Maggie Collins, MPH, RDN, CDCES, DipACLM A vegetarian diet has been associated with a vast array of health benefits, but what makes it so powerful in preventing, managing, or even reversing chronic diseases is not only the elimination of meat and other animal products, but also the plant-based food choices that are made. In this upcoming webinar we will discuss what are the nutrients of “concern” on a plant-based diet and how to make sure we are not falling short on them to guarantee we are [...]

Nutrition for Vegetarians Part 12021-11-10T11:39:49-05:00



Water The Underestimated Nutrient Contributed by Dr. Fay Kazzi Shanholtzer PhD, MS, RD A few facts about water probably pop into our mind — we need 8 cups of water a day, about 70-80% of our body is made of water, and most of the earth’s surface is covered with water.  We don’t usually think about water as an “essential nutrient.”  But it is just that.  It is essential that we drink water daily since it is required in amounts that exceed the body’s ability to produce it.  All [...]


Inflammation and Depression


Inflammation and Depression Is There Cause For Concern? Contributed by Dr. Fay Kazzi Shanholtzer PhD, MS, RD In this day and age, the world appears to be well versed on the varying topics of mental health.  However, there still seems to be a disconnect when it comes to some of the leading mental health disorders, such as depression.  Very much like the body, the mind can literally get sick.  The mind manifests its illnesses through a myriad of ways, such as ongoing migraines, confusion, forgetfulness, brain fog, and slow [...]

Inflammation and Depression2023-05-24T10:07:46-04:00

Your Microbiome


Your Microbiome An Immunity Powerhouse Contributed by Dr. Fay Kazzi Shanholtzer PhD, MS, RD As this title caught your attention you might have noticed that you have been hearing a lot more about the gut microbiome in the past few years.  Other terms to describe it include the microbiota, gut bacteria, gut flora, good and bad bugs, and gut bacteria.  Although the gut microbiome is not a new topic, this sudden attention on it is the result of an incredibly large body of scientific literature that has emerged over [...]

Your Microbiome2021-11-10T11:41:36-05:00
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