
COVID-19 Relations


COVID-19 Navigating Communication & Relational Aspects James 1:19 counsels believers to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." That can be challenging in this land of many opinions concerning how best to curb the current pandemic. Join us as we seek to minister in the midst of differing opinions. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Costin Jordache, MA, MBA, APR Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing Adventist HealthCare Costin [...]

COVID-19 Relations2021-10-10T13:44:49-04:00



Gardening for Better Health My Journey Through the years, God has placed me in professional health environments and called me to make better lifestyle changes. While I haven’t always made changes readily, it has been a worthwhile journey. Join us next week as I share my personal health journey, my love of gardening and how well the two work together. Let us know what you thought of the presentation by completing the online feedback form. Give Feedback Meet Our Presenter Philip Riley Philip Riley graduated from Washington Adventist University [...]


Balance Restored


Balance Restored In An Unstable Environment Do we sometimes wonder if we are moving forward or backward?  Are we right side up or upside down?  Please join us as Dr. Beverly Sedlacek invites us to look inwardly at the current state of our hearts and minds.  We will also receive proven, timeless and wholesome methods to restore balance in an unstable environment enabling us to offer help to others we seek to serve. Meet Our Presenter Beverly Sedlacek, DNP,  PMHCNS-BC Dr. Sedlacek is a gifted speaker, therapist, author and educator [...]

Balance Restored2022-04-19T17:05:24-04:00
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